Bridging for Math Strengths Logo

Formative Assessment and Bridging activities

Grade 4

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*These standards are bridging standards. Standards are considered a bridge when they: function as a bridge to which other content within the grade level/course is connected; serve as prerequisite knowledge for content to be addressed in future grade levels/courses; or possess endurance beyond a single unit of instruction within a grade level/course.

Standard 4.1a

Standard 4.1a Read, write, and identify the place and value of each digit in a nine-digit whole number.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Large numbers have the same place value structure as smaller numbers that students have explored in younger grades. Numbers of these quantities can be difficult to conceptualize therefore it is best to connect and explore larger numbers with real-world contexts. (Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics, 2014)

  • Students should be able to recognize equivalent relationships of the same number to connect these place value skills to estimation and computation. (Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics, 2014)

  • Students should understand the structure of the base-ten system and that 10 of any like units makes a single unit of the next highest place value. Example 10 hundred thousands is the same as 1 million.

  • (Common Core Standards Writing Team, 2019).

  • The position of the digits determine what they represent and which size group they count. This is the main principle of the place-value system. (Van De Walle et al., 2018).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Students can read numbers with varying amounts of digits up to a nine-digit whole number.

  • Students can identify the place and value of each digit in a nine-digit whole number.

  • Students can write a nine-digit number in standard form.

  • Students can describe the base ten structure of place value.

  • Students can represent a number in various forms such as standard and written form.

  • Students can represent a number in standard form that includes zeros as placeholders (example 23,000,001).

Purposeful questions:

  • What is the value of the digit?

  • Can you represent this number in multiple ways?

  • Can you read this number? What is your strategy for reading big numbers?

  • What is this number written in word form?

  • Can you identify the standard form of this number written in word form?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can identify the place and value of each digit in a six-digit whole number.
Students can read and write a six-digit number in standard and word form.

Bridging Concepts

Students can understand that numbers are arranged into groups and that a comma is used to separate the periods. Students also are familiar with the pattern of the place value system up to six digits.

Standard 4.1a

Students can read, write, and identify the place and value of each digit in a nine-digit whole number.

Standard 4.1b

Standard 4.1b Compare and order whole numbers expressed through millions.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • When comparing numbers, students need to develop a sense of the relative size of numbers. For example, understanding that 185 is greater than 15, but less than 1,219 and is about the same as 179. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

  • Number sense is flexible thinking about numbers and their relationships. Numbers are related to each other in a variety of ways. The number 67 is more than 50, 3 less than 70, and composed of 60 and 7 as well as 50 and 17. When thinking about the number 67 in a variety of forms, we are able to apply these skills to estimation and computation. (Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics)

  • Knowing the value of each place and the period of a number helps students when determining the value of digits in any number and is important to understand when comparing and ordering numbers. (VDOE Grade 4 Curriculum Framework)

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Students can compare numbers with a variety of different place value digits.

  • Students can use the symbols equal (=) and not equal (≠) when comparing numbers in a variety of forms.

  • The student can order numbers from least to greatest and/or greatest to least.

  • The students can compare two whole numbers using the correct symbols and terms.

  • The student can compare and/or order numbers where the digits in the greatest place value is equivalent, requiring students to compare the value of digits in a different place value.

Purposeful questions:

  • Can you explain why this number is greater? Can you explain why this number is less than?

  • Can you create a number that is greater than the given number?

  • What strategies did you use when ordering these numbers from least to greatest? Greatest to least?

  • Explain the strategy you used to compare the two given numbers.

  • Which symbol can be used when comparing these two numbers to make this statement true?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can compare 4 digit numbers.
Students can order no more than three whole numbers with 4 digits or less.

Bridging Concepts

Students are able to identify the place and value of each digit.
Students can represent numbers in a variety of ways including base ten blocks and number lines.

Standard 4.1b

Students can compare and order whole numbers expressed through millions.

Standard 4.1c

Standard 4.1c Round whole numbers expressed through millions to the nearest thousand, ten thousand, and hundred thousand.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • A strong understanding of place value is important for the development of number sense when exploring problems that involve rounding numbers. (Georgia Standards of Excellence Curriculum Framework, Unit 1, Number and Operations in Base Ten)

  • The use of a number line to determine which multiple a number is closer to is a strategy that develops a conceptual understanding of rounding instead of learning rules or mnemonics when rounding to a specific place value. (Georgia Standards of Excellence Curriculum Framework, Unit 1, Number and Operations in Base Ten)

  • The concept of estimation and rounding are similar in many ways. Estimation is flexible thinking of friendly numbers to make mental computation easier or to compare it to a reference. When estimating there isn’t always one correct answer, but instead the purpose of creating that friendly number should be considered. Looking at the number 327, an estimation could be 300, 325, 330, or even 350. The estimations 325 and 350 are not the nearest ten or hundred but could be considered when estimating the number 327 depending on the purpose of the estimation. When rounding a number, students identify the closest multiple of a specific place value. Rounding is also used as a way of creating a friendly number and could be used for mental computation. (Elementary and Middle School Mathematics, John Van de Walle)

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student can round a number to a specific place value.

  • The student can identify various numbers that would round to a specific place value.

  • The student can identify a range of numbers that would round to a special place value.

  • The student is able to use a model to represent a conceptual understanding of rounding whole numbers to the nearest thousand, ten-thousand, or hundred-thousand.

  • The student is able to justify why the number rounds to the closest multiple of thousand, ten-thousand, or hundred-thousand when rounding to a specific place value.

  • When rounding to a specific place value, the student can identify the multiples of thousand, ten-thousand, or hundred thousand that a given number is between and can justify which multiple the given number rounds to.

Purposeful questions:

  • Can you create a model, such as a number line, to represent which thousand the number 4,527,093 is closest to when rounding to the nearest thousand? (The underlined word can be interchangeable with other place values such as ten-thousand or hundred thousand).

  • Is the number 345,568 closest to 346,000 or 345,000 when rounding to the nearest thousand? Can you identify the range of numbers that would round to 346,000 when rounding to the nearest thousand?

  • Can you round this number to the nearest thousand, ten-thousand, and/or hundred thousand?

  • Can you identify a number that would have the same answer when rounded to the nearest thousand and the nearest ten-thousand?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can round 4-digit numbers or less to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand.

Bridging Concepts

Students can read, write, and identify the place value up to a six-digit whole number.
Students are familiar with representing numbers on a number line.

Standard 4.1c

Students can round whole numbers expressed through millions to the nearest thousand, ten thousand, and hundred thousand.

Standard 4.2a

Standard 4.2a Compare and order fractions and mixed numbers.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Initial fraction ideas begin with creating experiences with a variety of visual representations (area models, number lines, set models, etc.) which can be utilized to compare and order fractions. Over time, reasoning strategies and generalizations are developed through modeling and mental imagery. There may be a transition from creating models to applying those generalizations and reasoning strategies to solve problems.

  • A variety of reasoning strategies can be applied to compare fractions. Potential strategies include but are not limited to:

    • reasoning about relative magnitude ;

    • unit fraction reasoning;

    • benchmark reasoning ( i.e. I know 4/8 is ½ so ⅝ is a little more); and

    • equivalence.

  • Behr and Post (1992) indicate that “a child’s understanding of the ordering of two fractions needs to be based on an understanding of the ordering of unit fractions” (1992, p.21).

  • The reasoning strategy applied is often impacted by number choice. For example, I might use the benchmark of ½ if I am comparing 3/10 (a little less than ½) and ⅝ (a little more than ½).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Students recognize and utilize benchmark fractions.

  • Students use their understanding of the ordering of unit fractions to ordering of two fractions.

  • Students recognize and apply their understanding of equivalent fractions.

  • Students recognize fractions equivalent to ½.

  • Students represent and work with fractions greater than 1.

  • Students organize their thinking in a way that helps them make sense of the problem. Student representations support their thinking/reasoning.

  • Student strategies make sense for the given set of numbers.

  • It is evident in the strategy used that the student understands the relationship between the numerator and the denominator.

Purposeful questions:

  • Can you share where you started and why?

  • How might you use your understanding of unit fractions to compare and order these fractions?

  • How can benchmark be used to help you understand the value of these fractions?

  • What representation might help you visualize these fractions?

  • Is that fraction greater than 1? Less than 1? How do you know?

  • What do you know about the value of these numbers?

  • What relationships do you see?

  • I’m looking at your number line and I’m noticing _____. Tell me more about that...

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can name, write, represent and compare fractions and mixed numbers represented by a model

Bridging Concepts

Students can make generalizations about fractional relationships across representations (i.e., when the numerator is half of the denominator, the fraction is always equal to ½).

Standard 4.2a

Students can compare and order fractions and mixed numbers with and without models

Standard 4.2b

Standard 4.2b Represent equivalent fractions.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • When two fractions are equivalent that means there are two ways of describing the same amount by using different sized fractional parts. (Van de Walle et al, 2019)

  • A variety of representations and models can be used to identify different names for equivalent fractions: region/area, set and measurement models. (Students should use area representations, strips of paper, tape diagrams, number lines, counters and other manipulatives to reason about equivalence.)

  • Intuitive methods using drawings and manipulatives support student understanding. Students can develop an understanding of equivalent fractions and also develop from that understanding a conceptually based algorithm. Delay sharing “a rule.” (Van de Walle et al, 2019)

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Evidence that the student is able to identify equivalent fractions modeled using a variety of different models: area, set and/or measurement.

  • The student uses strategies like removing lines or adding additional lines to the area and number line models to show how the models are equivalent.

  • The student is able to use a variety of strategies and can justify their reasoning as to why fractions are equivalent.

  • When the student represents their fraction as models, they represent the whole using the same size and shape model. Click this link for more information about student representations.

Purposeful questions:

  • What strategy (or strategies) did you use to determine which fraction models are equivalent?

  • Which fraction models are the easiest for you to identify? What made it easy?

  • Which fraction models are the hardest for you to identify? What made it difficult?

  • What relationships do you see?

  • Can you create another equivalent model that is different from ones shown?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can name and write fractions and mixed numbers represented by a model. Students can represent fractions and mixed numbers with models and symbols.

Bridging Concepts

Students can create a model to represent a fraction. (Area models tend to be easier for students to grasp while set and measurement models tend to be more difficult. Students may need additional support bridging their understanding of area models to help support their understanding of set and measurement models.)

Standard 4.2b

Students can represent equivalent fractions.

Standard 4.2C

Standard 4.2c Identify the division statement that represents a fraction, with models and in context.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Fractions have multiple meanings and interpretations. Generally there are five main interpretations: fractions as parts of wholes or parts of sets; fractions as the result of dividing two numbers; fractions as the ratio of two quantities; fractions as operators; and fractions as measures (Behr, Harel, Post, and Lesh 1992; Kieren 1988; Lamon 1999). When a fraction is presented in symbolic form, devoid of context, the intended interpretation of the fraction is not evident. The various interpretations are needed, however, in order to make sense of fraction problems and situations. Students need to explore and understand that fractional parts are equal shares of a whole or set model.

  • A fraction can also represent the result obtained when two numbers are divided. This interpretation of fraction is sometimes referred to as the quotient meaning, since the quotient is the answer to a division problem. Chapin and Johnson (2000) give these examples, “the number of gumdrops each child receives when 40 gumdrops are shared among 5 children can be expressed as 40/5 , 8/1 , or 8; when two steaks are shared equally among three people, each person gets 2/ 3 of a steak for dinner. We often express the quotient as a mixed number rather than an improper fraction – 15 feet of rope can be divided to make two jump ropes, each 7 1/ 2 ( 15/2 ) feet long” (p .99– 101).

  • When partitioning a whole into more equal shares the parts become smaller. (Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics, Grades 3-5, John Van de Walle)

  • When exploring the concept of fractions and connecting it to the division statement, students should be able to identify and recognize that the fraction is the amount that each person would receive when dividing equally.

  • Students’ understanding of fractions as division develops through the use of a progression of equal sharing problems, beginning with problems resulting in a whole number (6 cookies shared by 3 children), then problems resulting in a mixed number (5 cookies shared by 2 children), then problems resulting in a unit fraction (1 cookie shared by 4 children), and finally problems resulting in non-unit fractions (2 cookies shared by 3 children) (Empson & Levi, 2011).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student is able to accurately partition models when exploring fair share problems.

  • When given context, the student is able to successfully use models to identify the division statement that represents the fraction.

  • The student can interpret the fraction and division statement as the amount each person would receive.

  • The student can identify the difference between a division statement that represents an improper fraction versus a proper fraction within context. The student can also represent a fair share problem when the numerator is larger or smaller than the denominator.

Purposeful questions:

  • Will each person receive more or less than a whole? Explain your reasoning.

  • Identify the division statements that represent this fraction as presented in the context.

  • How much will each person receive when shared equally?

  • Once the students have discovered how much each person will receive, ask the students if each person was to combine their equal share together, what would be the combined total? What do you notice?

  • Example: 2 cookies shared with 3 students. Each person would receive ⅔ of a cookie. When combining the equal shares from each of the 3 people, ⅔ + ⅔ + ⅔ = 6/3 or 2. The sum is equivalent to 2 whole cookies or the original amount of cookies that was shared.

  • If the dividend is smaller than the divisor, how does this relate to how much each person would receive if the amount was shared equally? Would this be true if the dividend was larger than the divisor?

  • Example: 2 pizzas shared with 3 people versus 3 pizzas shared with 2 people.

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can name and write fractions and mixed numbers represented by a model.

Bridging Concepts

Students understand the concept of division and know what the dividend and divisor represents.

Standard 4.2C

Students can identify the division statement that represents a fraction, with models and in context.

Standard 4.3a

Standard 4.3a Read, write, represent, and identify decimals expressed through thousandths.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • The structure of the base-ten number system is based upon a simple pattern of tens, where each place is ten times the value of the place to its right. This is known as a ten-to-one place value relationship (Van de Walle et al., 2019)

  • Decimals are another form of writing fractions and the connection between the two is important in understanding the concepts of decimals (i.e. connect 1/10 as 0.1 and 1/100 as 0.01 and 1/1000 as 0.001 - Reading the decimal fractions will help students “hear” the connection).

  • Understanding of the base-ten system to the relationship between adjacent places and how numbers compare can help support students round for decimals to thousandths. For example, it is important to deepen understanding and fluency with decimals in the different forms, seeing .57 as 5 tenths and 7 hundredths as well as 57 hundredths (Common Core Standards Writing Team, 2019, p. 64). This ability to rename and decompose decimals can help students round to the nearest whole number, tenth or hundredth.

  • The decimal point separates the whole from the fractional part. The place value system extends infinitely in both directions of the decimal point, to very large and very small numbers. Connected uses of decimals in real life using money, metric measurements, batting averages can support student understanding.

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student uses the identified whole to name a decimal represented by base ten blocks.

  • The student can read a decimal in word form and record it in numeric form.

  • The student can identify the position and place value of each digit in a decimal.

Purposeful questions:

  • Is the decimal represented more or less than a whole? Explain your answer.

  • If the whole changed, how would that affect the decimal represented?

  • When modeling with base ten blocks, what would the cube represent if the whole is equal to a rod? Explain your answer.

  • How can you represent this decimal in a variety of ways, such as number line, money, or 10-by-10 grid?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can identify the ten-to-one relationship within the base-ten system of whole numbers.
Students can read and write various amounts of money and recognize that the number before the decimal point represents whole dollars and the amount to the right of the decimal point represent a part of a dollar.

Bridging Concepts

Students connect the idea that money is a model or representation of decimals (i.e., that 10 dimes equals a dollar or 100 pennies is equal to a dollar). Students can extend their understanding of ten-to-one place value relationships to decimals.

Standard 4.3a

Read, write, represent, and identify decimals expressed through thousandths.

Standard 4.3b

Standard 4.3b Round decimals to the nearest whole number.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • The base-ten place value system extends infinitely in two directions, to very tiny values to large values. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

  • Students extend their understanding of the base-ten system to the relationship between adjacent places, how numbers compare, and how numbers round for decimals to thousandths. (Common Core Standards Writing Team, 2019).

  • A strong understanding of decimal place value is important for the development of number sense when exploring problems that involve rounding numbers.

  • The use of a number line to determine which whole number a given decimal is closer to is a strategy that develops conceptual understanding of rounding instead of learning rules or mnemonics when rounding. (VDOE Quick Checks SOL 4.3b)

  • Strategies for rounding whole numbers can be applied when rounding decimals expressed through thousandths. (VDOE Curriculum Framework, Grade 4)

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student is able to use a model, such as a number line, to represent a conceptual understanding of rounding a decimal to the nearest whole number.

  • The student is able to justify the closest whole number when rounding a decimal.

  • The student is able to round a decimal expressed through thousandths to the nearest whole number.

  • The student is able to round a number with multiple places values to the nearest whole (example: 34.987 rounds to 35 when rounding to the nearest whole number.)

  • The student is able to identify decimals that would round to a given whole number.

Purposeful questions:

  • What strategy did you use when rounding the decimal to the nearest whole number?

  • Can you create a model, such as a number line, to represent which two whole numbers the given decimals round to?

  • Can you identify a decimal that would round to the given whole number? Is there more than one answer?

  • Which digit can be placed in the tenth place so that the given decimal will round to the next whole number? Is there more than one answer?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can round whole numbers to an identified place value.
Students can compare the value of two sets of coins and bills.

Bridging Concepts

Students can read, write, and represent decimals expressed through thousandths.
Students are also familiar with representing decimals using a number line and using base ten blocks.

Standard 4.3b

Students can round decimals to the nearest whole number.

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Standard 4.3c

Standard 4.3c Compare and order decimals.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • This standard builds upon the work students did in previous grades in understanding place value and comparing and ordering whole numbers. In grade 4, in addition to comparing greater numbers, students began relating decimal fractions and decimal numbers and comparing decimals using visual models. The place value understanding that supports the ability to compare decimals also supports the understanding of rounding decimals, which is introduced in grade 5 as SOL 5.1.

  • Concepts of whole numbers, fractions, and decimals are connected and applied when comparing and ordering.

  • Using manipulatives to construct decimals helps students develop an understanding of the relative size of decimal numbers for comparing and ordering.

  • It is important for students to connect decimal number sense concepts such as representations, decimals benchmarks, and/or fractions when comparing and ordering decimals.

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student can compare decimals with different amounts of digits. (Example 0.9 and 0.234)

  • The student can justify which decimal is larger or smaller using a variety of strategies that focus on number sense such as models, decimal benchmarks and/or identifying the value of the greatest place value.

  • The student can order decimals least to greatest or greatest to least.

  • The student can apply a variety of strategies when ordering decimals with similar digits and/or different amounts of digits. (Example: 0.9; 0.901; 0.09; 0.009)

Purposeful questions:

  • How did you determine an equivalent decimal?

  • What strategy did you use to determine which decimal is the greatest and which one is the least? Explain your thinking.

  • Which decimal(s) can be placed in the space provided so that the decimals are in order from least to greatest? (Example: 0.142; 0.45 ______; 0.8)

  • Compare the following decimals using two different strategies to justify which one is greater or least.

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can compare and order whole numbers with similar numbers of digits and/or smaller numbers.

Bridging Concepts

Students use understanding of the ten-to-one base ten relationships to create decimal representations (i.e., base ten blocks, decimal circles/squares, etc.).

Standard 4.3c

Students can compare and order decimals.

Standard 4.3d

Standard 4.3d Given a model, write the decimal and fraction equivalents

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • In mathematics, any number, measure, numerical expression, algebraic expression, or equation can be represented in an infinite number of ways that have the same value. Decimal and fraction numbers can be named in an infinite number of different but equivalent forms (e.g., 3/10= 0.3 = 0.30 = 0.10 + 0.20) (Charles, 2005).

  • We can relate fractions to decimals using a variety of representations including 10 by 10 grids, number lines, decimal squares, money, rational number wheel and decimal grids. These representations build an understanding of equivalency. (VDOE Curriculum Framework, 2016)

  • An understanding of money can be applied to fractions and decimals by considering parts of a whole dollar that can be represented as equivalent fractions and decimals. In mathematics, these relationships are especially evident with the connection to dimes (tenths) and the connection to pennies (hundredths).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student models and names equivalent fractions and decimals.

  • The student identifies equivalent relationships between tenths and hundredths.

  • The student names the same value in a variety of ways.

  • The student may partition the same model in a variety of ways to notice and name equivalent relationships.

Purposeful questions:

  • Tell me about your model. Why did you…?

  • Is there another way you could name that value?

  • How do you know __ is equivalent to ___?

  • What do you know about money and parts of a dollar that can help you? (For example, if I have 2 dimes, what part of a dollar does that represent?)

  • What connections do you see between money, decimals, and fractions?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can represent fractions and mixed numbers, with models and symbols.
Students can determine the value of a collection of bills and compare the value of two sets of coins or two sets of coins and bills.

Bridging Concepts

Students can use a variety of models to represent fractions (i.e., decimal grid, metric ruler, money, rational number wheel, etc.).
Students can leverage their understanding of money to make connections to decimals.

Standard 4.3d

Given a model, students can write the decimal and fraction equivalents.

Standard 4.4a

Standard 4.4a Demonstrate fluency with multiplication facts through 12 x 12, and corresponding division facts.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Computational fluency is the ability to think flexibly in order to choose appropriate strategies to solve problems accurately and efficiently (VDOE Grade 4 Curriculum Framework).

  • All of the facts are conceptually related so students can figure out new or unknown facts using what they already know (Van de Walle et al, 2018).

  • The development of computational fluency relies on quick access to number facts. There are patterns and relationships that exist in the facts. These relationships can be used to learn and retain the facts (VDOE Grade 4 Curriculum Framework).

  • Mastering the basic facts is a developmental process. Students move through phases, starting with counting, then more efficient reasoning strategies, and eventually quick recall and mastery. Instruction must help students through these phases without rushing them to know their facts only through memorization (Van de Walle et al, 2018).

  • When students struggle with developing basic fact fluency, they may need to return to foundational ideas. Just providing additional drill will not resolve their challenges and can negatively affect their confidence and success in mathematics (Van de Walle et al, 2018).

  • Students use efficient reasoning strategies such as derived facts to find related facts, commutative property, compensation, and break apart factors.
  • In order to develop and use strategies to learn the multiplication facts through the twelves table, students should use concrete materials, a hundreds chart, and mental mathematics. Strategies to learn the multiplication facts include an understanding of multiples, properties of zero and one as factors, commutative property, and related facts (VDOE Grade 4 Curriculum Framework).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student knows and is able to apply a variety of strategies (i.e., partial products, using friendly numbers, repeated addition, and/or decomposition strategies, recall, etc.).

  • The student demonstrates an understanding of the term “product” and uses a strategy to find a product that leads to a correct answer.

  • The student identifies multiple number sentences with the same product.

  • Student’s work shows understanding of the inverse relationship between multiplication and division.

Purposeful questions:

  • What strategies are most efficient for this fact (or set of facts) and how do you know?

  • How can knowing one fact help you with another fact (or a fact that you don’t know)?

  • What makes one fact related to another fact? How can knowing related facts be helpful?

  • What do you know about the relationship between multiplication and division? How can that relationship help you solve problems?

  • What are some ways that you can break apart these numbers to make this problem easier?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students developed an understanding of the meanings of multiplication and division of whole numbers through activities and practical problems involving equal-sized groups, arrays, and length models.

Bridging Concepts

Students use efficient reasoning strategies that will lead them to quick recall and memorization of facts of 0, 1, 2, 5 and 10.
Students use derived facts to find related facts, commutative property, compensation, and break apart factors as strategies to solve for unknown facts.


Standard 4.4A

The student will demonstrate fluency with multiplication facts through 12 × 12, and the corresponding division facts.

Standard 4.4b

Standard 4.4b Estimate and determine sums, differences, and products of whole numbers.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Flexible methods of computation for all four operations involve taking apart (decomposing) and combining (composing) numbers in a variety of ways (Van de Walle et al, 2018).

  • Students should explore and apply the properties of addition and multiplication as strategies for solving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems using a variety of representations (e.g., manipulatives, diagrams, and symbols). (VDOE Grade 4 Curriculum Framework)

  • Flexible methods for computation require deep understanding of the operations and the properties of operations (commutative property, associative property, and the distributive property). How addition and subtraction, as well as multiplication and division, are related as inverse operations is also critical knowledge (Van de Walle et al, 2018).

  • Estimation can be used to determine the approximation for and then to verify the reasonableness of sums, differences, products, and quotients of whole numbers. An estimate is a number that lies within a range of the exact solution, and the estimation strategy used in a particular problem determines how close the number is to the exact solution. (VDOE Grade 4 Curriculum Framework). Estimation is a key component of mathematical reasoning, and it requires flexible thinking and number sense.

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student applies terms such as estimate, sum, difference and product.

  • The student selects a strategy that they understand and can apply successfully.

  • The student explains their solution and justifies the reasonableness of their answer.

  • The student’s work contains a variety of strategies and representations.

  • The student uses estimation to determine the reasonableness of their answer (i.e., a little more than, a little less than, closer to, etc.).

Purposeful questions:

  • Tell me about the operation you decided to use and why it makes sense.

  • How did you represent your thinking?

  • How do you know your answer is correct?

  • How does your estimation relate to the actual answer?

  • How do you know __ is closest to __?

  • How do you know your answer is reasonable?

  • Why did you choose that estimate?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

The student will estimate and determine the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to 9,999.
The student will represent multiplication and division through 10 × 10, using a variety of approaches and models.

Bridging Concepts

Students use their place value understanding and ability to round to estimate sums and differences of two whole numbers.Students use strategies based on place value and properties of the operations to multiply whole numbers.

Standard 4.4B

The student will estimate and determine sums, differences, and products of whole numbers.

Standard 4.4c

Standard 4.4c Estimate and determine quotients of whole numbers, with and without remainders.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Flexible methods of computation involve taking apart (decomposing) and combining (composing) numbers in a variety of ways (Van de Walle et al, 2018).

  • Students should explore and apply the properties of addition and multiplication as strategies for solving division problems using a variety of representations (e.g., manipulatives, diagrams, and symbols). (VDOE Grade 4 Curriculum Framework)

  • Flexible methods for computation require deep understanding of the operations and the properties of operations (commutative property, associative property, and the distributive property). How addition and subtraction, as well as multiplication and division, are related as inverse operations is also critical knowledge (Van de Walle et al, 2018).

  • Estimation can be used to determine the approximation for and then to verify the reasonableness of quotients of whole numbers. An estimate is a number that lies within a range of the exact solution, and the estimation strategy used in a particular problem determines how close the number is to the exact solution (VDOE Grade 4 Curriculum Framework).

  • Some division situations will produce a remainder, but the remainder will always be less than the divisor. If the remainder is greater than the divisor, that means at least one more can be given to each group (fair sharing) or at least one more group of the given size (the dividend) may be created (Georgia Department of Education Grade 4 Curriculum).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Students’ use methods they understand and can explain.

  • Students' work shows that they understand and can apply the term quotient(s).

  • Students’ work demonstrates an understanding of place value and identifying related facts that correlate with the problem.

  • Students can explain their solution and the reasonableness of their answer.

  • Student’s work contains a variety of strategies and representations.

  • The student is able to use estimation to determine the reasonableness of their answer (ie, a little more than, a little less than, closer to, etc.).

Probing questions:

  • How did you represent your thinking?

  • How do you know your answer is correct?

  • How does your estimation relate to the actual answer?

  • How do you know __ is closest to __?

  • How do you know your answer is reasonable?

  • Why did you choose that place value for your estimate?

  • What is the meaning of a remainder in a division problem?

  • What effect does a remainder have on a quotient?

  • How are remainders and divisors related?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students developed an understanding of the meanings of multiplication and division of whole numbers through activities and practical problems involving equal-sized groups, arrays, and length models.
The students have worked on fluency of facts for 0, 1, 2, 5, and 10.

Bridging Concepts

Students may still be working on developing efficient reasoning strategies that will lead them to quick recall and memorization of facts from 0 - 12.

Standard 4.4c

The student will estimate and determine quotients of whole numbers, with and without remainders.

Standard 4.4d

Standard 4.4d Create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition, subtraction, and multiplication of whole numbers and single step practical problems with division.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Use reasoning and a variety of strategies that the student understands and is able to explain.

  • Makes sense of the problem rather than relying on keywords that may not always be helpful. (See VDOE Standards of Learning- Grade 4 Document p.19).

  • Inverse operations are related and can flexibly be used to solve problems.

  • Estimation, based on number sense and an understanding of place value, can be used to determine if an answer is reasonable.

  • Students will be stronger problem solvers given opportunities to engage with a variety of problem types. For more information about addition/subtraction problem types see the Grade 3 VDOE Standards of Learning Document p. 15 and for multiplication/division problem types see the Grade 4 VDOE Standards of Learning Document pp.20-21.

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Students are able to create a problem using the given information.

  • Students are able to correctly represent the problem they created and it matches the way they solved it.

  • Student work shows that they understand the problem because they have planned an approach to solve the problem and/or a way to represent their thinking.

  • Student work shows that they understand what each number in the problem represents.

  • Student work shows that they understand what operations can be used, the meaning behind the operation or how the operations are related.

Purposeful questions:

  • How did you represent your thinking? How do you know it matches the story?

  • Is there another way that you could solve this problem?

  • Does your solution make sense? Explain your answer.

  • What equation/number sentence matches your thinking?

  • What operations did you decide to use? Why?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students determine the sum or difference of two whole numbers to 4 digits.
Students create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving sums or differences of two whole numbers, each 9,999 or less.

Bridging Concepts

Students use their understanding of multiplication and division to solve a variety of single step contextual problems.
Students use place value understanding and properties of operations to solve multiplication problems up to 10 x 10.

Standard 4.4D

Students create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition, subtraction, and multiplication of whole numbers and single step practical problems with division.

Standard 4.5a

Standard 4.5a Determine common multiples and factors, including LCM and GCF

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Any whole number is a multiple of each of its factors.

  • A number can be multiplicatively decomposed into equal groups and expressed as a product of these two factors, called factor pairs (Common Core Progressions, p.30).

  • A factor of a whole number is a whole number that divides evenly into that number with no remainder. A factor of a number is a divisor of the number (VDOE Grade 4 Curriculum Framework).

  • Common multiples and common factors can be useful when simplifying fractions (VDOE Grade 4 Curriculum Framework).

Math Strength Instructional Video 4.5a

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Student lists all factors for a given number or set of numbers.

  • Student generates a list of multiples for a given number or set of numbers.

  • Student compares factors and/or multiples of a given set of numbers to identify common factors and/or multiples.

  • Student identifies the greatest common factor of a given set of numbers and explains why it is the greatest common factor.

  • Student identifies the least common multiple of a given set of numbers and explains why it is the least common multiple.

  • The student uses an appropriate strategy for finding common factors and/or common multiples.

Purposeful questions:

  • How do you know if a factor is the greatest common factor?

  • How do you know if a multiple is the least common multiple?

  • Why do you think we look for the greatest common factor and not the least common factor?

  • Why do you think we look for the least common multiple and not the greatest common multiple?

  • What is the difference between a factor and a multiple?

  • Can a factor also be a multiple?

  • What strategies can be used to find common factors?

  • What strategies can be used to find common multiples?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students developed an understanding of the meanings of multiplication and division of whole numbers through activities and practical problems involving equal-sized groups, arrays, and length models. The students have fluency of facts for 0, 1, 2, 5, and 10.

Bridging Concepts

Students can skip count by numbers other than 1, 2, 5 and 10.
Students understand and can use the terms “factor” and “multiple”.

Standard 4.5a

Students can determine common multiples and factors, including least common multiple and greatest common factor.

Standard 4.5b

Standard 4.5b Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers having like and unlike denominators

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Some real-world problems involving joining, separating, part-part-whole, or comparison can be solved using addition; others can be solved using subtraction.

  • The effects of operations for addition and subtraction with fractions and decimals are the same as those with whole numbers (Charles, 2005).

  • Estimation keeps the focus on the meaning of the numbers and operations, encourages reflective thinking, and helps build informal number sense with fractions. Students can reason with benchmarks to get an estimate without using an algorithm (VDOE Curriculum Framework).

  • A variety of strategies can be utilized to add and subtract fractions including area models, linear models, decomposing fractions, and finding a common denominator.

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student recognizes and uses equivalent relationships to add and subtract fractions.

  • The student uses benchmark fractions to determine reasonable estimates.

  • The student names fractions greater than 1 in multiple ways.

  • The student adds and subtracts with or without models.

Purposeful questions:

  • How do you know your answer is reasonable?

  • How did that benchmark help you?

  • What is an equivalent name for that fraction?

  • What relationships do you notice? How can those relationships help you?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can solve practical problems that involve addition and subtraction with proper fractions having like denominators of 12 or less.

Bridging Concepts

Students can represent equivalent forms of fractions greater than 1.

Standard 4.5b

Students can add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers having like and unlike denominators.

Standard 4.5c

Standard 4.5c Solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition and subtraction with fractions and mixed numbers

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • In mathematics, real-world actions for addition and subtraction of whole numbers are the same for operations with fractions and decimals (Charles, 2005).

  • Benchmark fractions like 1/2 (0.5) and 1/4 (0.25) can be used to estimate calculations involving fractions and these estimations can be used to check the reasonableness of exact answers (Charles, 2005).

  • Fraction number sense skills, including estimation skills, will be necessary when solving practical problems to determine the reasonableness of an answer. Estimating with fractions is critical to understanding their magnitude or position on the number line (Van De Walle et al., 2018).

  • When solving practical word problems with fractions, use the same ideas developed for whole-number computation and apply these ideas to fractional parts instead of whole numbers (Van De Walle et al., 2018).

  • In mathematics, when solving practical word problems the focus should be on thinking and reasoning rather than on keywords. Expose students to a variety of different problem types and opportunities to create and solve their own practical problems. For more information about addition/subtraction problem types see the Grade 3 VDOE Curriculum Framework.

  • Counting fractional parts should be done just like counting objects like apples or pencils (Van De Walle et al., 2018).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student uses the context of a problem to plan an approach to solve it.

  • The student represents their thinking using models and/or manipulatives.

  • The student uses estimation strategies when solving practical word problems with fractions to determine the reasonableness of their answer.

  • The student solves single step word problems with like and unlike denominators using a variety of strategies.

  • The student represents the resulting fraction in simplest form.

Purposeful questions:

  • Based on your estimation, does your answer seem reasonable? Explain why or why not.

  • What strategy did you use when solving the problem? Is there another way that you could solve it?

  • Does your solution make sense? Explain your answer.

  • Is the sum or difference more or less than a whole? Explain your answer.

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
Students can solve practical problems with proper fractions with like denominators.

Bridging Concepts

Students can find equivalent fractions to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators.

Standard 4.5c

Students can solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition and subtraction with fractions and mixed numbers.

Standard 4.6a

Standard 4.6a Add and subtract with decimals

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Addition and subtraction with decimals are based on the fundamental concept of adding and subtracting the numbers in like position values and should be connected to a simple extension from whole numbers (Van de Walle et al., 2018).

  • Students should explore estimation prior to finding the exact answer.

  • In mathematics, real-world actions for addition and subtraction of whole numbers are the same for operations with fractions and decimals (Charles, 2005).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Student identifies the sum or difference of decimals when represented by a variety of base-ten models.

  • Student finds the sum of difference when one number is a whole number and the other number is represented as decimal.

  • Student finds the sum or difference of two numbers with different amounts of digit place values. (Example: find the sum of 9.5 and 4.34)

  • Student applies estimation strategies when finding the sum or difference of decimals.

  • Student uses estimation to determine the reasonableness of a sum or difference.

Purposeful questions:

  • Based on your estimation, does the sum or difference seem reasonable? Explain why or why not.

  • What strategy did you use when solving the problem? Is there another way that you could solve it?

  • Once students are able to apply a variety of estimation skills, ask students to place decimals points in the given numbers so that the number sentence would be true, Example: Look at the number sentence, where should the decimal be placed in the sum so that the number sentence is true? 4.25 + 2.9 = 715

  • (The decimal point should be placed between the digits 7 and 1 because when estimating the sum of 4 and 3, the estimation is 7.)

  • Can you represent the number sentence using a variety of models such as base ten blocks, number lines, and/or money to find the sum or difference?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can estimate and determine the sum or difference of two whole numbers.
Students can solve word problems related to money, including making change from $5.00 or less.

Bridging Concepts

Students can recognize decimal place value and use models of decimals.
Students can use estimation to determine the reasonableness of the sum and difference of decimals.

Standard 4.6a

Students can add and subtract with decimals.

Standard 4.6b

Standard 4.6b Solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition and subtraction with decimals

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • In mathematics, emphasis should be placed on representing the problem and applying reasoning to understand it rather than relying on keywords. (See Grade 4 VDOE Standards of Learning Document p.24)

  • Addition and subtraction with decimals are based on the fundamental concept of adding and subtracting the numbers in like position values- a simple extension from whole numbers (Van de Walle et al., 2018).

  • The problem-solving process is enhanced when students create and solve their own practical problems and model problems using manipulatives and drawings. (See Grade 4 VDOE Standards of Learning Document p.24)

Math Strength Instructional Video 4.6b

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Student creates a problem using the given information.

  • Student represents the problem they created and the representation matches the way they solved it.

  • Student work shows that they understand the problem because they have planned an approach to solve the problem and/or a way to represent their thinking.

  • Student work shows that they understand what each number in the problem represents.

  • Student work shows that they understand what operations can be used, the meaning behind the operation or how the operations are related.

  • Student work demonstrates an understanding of decimal place value.

Purposeful questions:

  • How did you represent your thinking? How do you know it matches the story?

  • Is there another way that you could solve this problem?

  • Does your solution make sense? Explain your answer.

  • What equation/number sentence matches your thinking?

  • What operations did you decide to use? Why?

  • Why is place value important when adding or subtracting whole numbers and decimal numbers?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can estimate and determine the sum or difference of two whole numbers.
Students can create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving sums or differences of two whole numbers, each 9,999 or less.

Bridging Concepts

Students can understand decimal place value and the role of the decimal point.

Standard 4.6b

Students can solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition and subtraction with decimals.

Standard 4.7

Standard 4.7 Solve practical problems that involve determining perimeter and area in U.S. Customary and metric units.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Students should have a conceptual understanding of perimeter and area. When students develop formulas, they gain a deeper understanding which will lead to less likelihood that students will confuse the concepts of perimeter and area. (Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics, 2014)

  • In order for students to progress from counting square units of a rectangle to determine the area, students should explore the structure of rows and columns of squares and connect it to the concept of multiplication. It is important for students to understand that when we multiply the length times a width, that the length of one side indicates how many squares will fit on that side and that the width is how many rows of squares can fit in the rectangle. (Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics, 2014)

  • Students need to develop the ability known as spatial structuring in order to decompose a rectangular region into rows and columns of squares. (Common Core Standards Writing Team, 2019).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Students can determine the area and perimeter of a given polygon.

  • Students can determine the dimension of a rectangle when given the perimeter.

  • Students can determine the dimension of a rectangle when given the area.

  • Students can apply their knowledge of polygons to determine perimeter and area when information is missing. For example, if the measurement of one side of a square is given, students recognize that all the sides will be that same length.

  • Students can explain how to determine the area and perimeter.

  • Students are able to use a ruler to measure the dimension of a square/rectangle when determining the perimeter or area.

Purposeful questions:

  • Explain how to determine the number of squares (area) that will fit in this given polygon. Can you solve it in more than one way?

  • Explain how you would determine the perimeter and/or area of a square if the measure of one side is ____ units?

  • What strategy can you use to determine the perimeter and/or area of a rectangle if the length measures ____units and the width measures ____units?

  • Explain what happens to the area when the dimension of a rectangle changes, but the perimeter remains the same. Which area would be best to use based on the given scenario (garden, fenced in yard…)

  • If the perimeter is __________units, then what could be the dimension of the figure?

  • If the area is ____________ square units, then what could be the dimension of the rectangular figure?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students are able to determine the perimeter of a polygon with no more than 6 sides. Students can also determine the area of a given surface by counting the number of square units.

Bridging Concepts

Students are familiar with the array model when representing a multiplication problem.
Students can add 3 or more numbers to determine perimeter.

Standard 4.7

Students can solve practical problems that involve determining perimeter and area in U.S. Customary and metric units.

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Standard 4.8a

Standard 4.8a Estimate and measure length and describe the result in U.S. Customary and metric units

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Meaningful measurement and estimation of measurements depends on personal familiarity with the unit of measure being used (Van de Walle et al., 2018).

  • Estimation of measures and the development of personal benchmarks for frequently used units of measure help students increase their familiarity with units, prevent errors in measurements, and aid in the meaningful use of measurement (Van de Walle et al., 2018).

  • Measurement instruments are devices that replace the need for actual measurement units. It is important to understand how measurement instruments work so that they can be used correctly and meaningfully (Van de Walle et al., 2018).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student describes relative sizes and the relationships among units (i.e. millimeters and centimeters measure small objects, but millimeters is a smaller unit of measure than centimeters).

  • The student measures objects using concrete and virtual tools (rulers and yardsticks).

  • The student uses familiar benchmarks to ensure their estimates and exact measurements are reasonable.

  • The student uses an appropriate unit to measure any given object.

Purposeful questions:

  • Why do you think that unit of measure works best to measure ___?

  • What do you know about these units of measure? Where have you seen them in your surroundings?

  • How do you know your estimate is reasonable?

  • How do you know you accurately measured this item?

  • Why is estimating and measuring the length of objects important? Where do we see this need in real life?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can use standard and nonstandard tools to measure objects.
Students can estimate and use the U.S. Customary and metric units to measure length to the nearest inch, foot, yard, centimeter, and meter.

Bridging Concepts

Students can use standard and nonstandard tools to measure objects.
Students can estimate and use the U.S. Customary and metric units to measure length to the nearest inch, foot, yard, centimeter, and meter.

Standard 4.8a

Students can estimate and measure length and describe the result in U.S. Customary and metric units.

Standard 4.8b

Standard 4.8b Estimate and measure weight/mass and describe the result in U.S. Customary and metric units

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Weight and mass are different. Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Weight is determined by the pull of gravity on the mass of an object. The mass of an object remains the same regardless of its location. The weight of an object changes depending on the gravitational pull at its location. In everyday life, most people are actually interested in determining an object’s mass, although they use the term weight (e.g., “How much does it weigh?” versus “What is its mass?”) (VDOE Grade 4 Curriculum Framework).

  • Practical experience measuring the weight/mass of familiar objects (e.g., foods, pencils, book bags, shoes) helps to establish benchmarks and facilitates the student’s ability to estimate weight/mass (VDOE Grade 4 Curriculum Framework).

  • Measurement instruments are devices that replace the need for actual measurement units. It is important to understand how measurement instruments work so that they can be used correctly and meaningfully (Van de Walle et al., 2018).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student determines an appropriate unit of measurement (ounce or pound/grams or kilograms) based on the object they are measuring.

  • The student uses a scale to determine which object has a heavier weight/mass and which object has a lighter mass.

  • The student reads a scale to determine the exact weight/mass of an object.

  • The student chooses a reasonable estimate for the weight/mass of objects.

Purposeful questions:

  • How are weight and mass similar? How are they different?

  • What units and tools are used to measure the attribute of weight?

  • Why are units important in measurement?

  • How can we estimate and measure the weight of various objects?

  • How did you decide what unit of measurement to use?

  • What are benchmark objects and how can you use them to help you to estimate weight/mass in metric units and in U.S. Customary units?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can estimate and measure weight to the nearest pound.

Bridging Concepts

Students can estimate weight based on experiences weighing concrete objects of different weights.

Standard 4.8b

Students can estimate and measure weight/mass and describe the result in U.S. Customary and metric units.

Standard 4.8c

Standard 4.8c Given the equivalent measure of one unit, identify equivalent measures of length, weight/mass, and liquid volume between units within the U.S. Customary system.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Students develop benchmarks and mental images in relation to measurement. For example, the width of a door is about one yard or the width of a quarter is about one inch. Understanding relative sizes of measurement units will help to develop a greater understanding of converting measurement within a system. (Common Core Standards Writing Team, 2019).

  • Students should have a basic idea of the size of units and what they measure in order to develop relationships to convert between units. (Van de Walle et al, 2018)

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Students use a strategy to identify equivalent measures of length within the U.S. Customary system.

  • Students use a strategy to identify equivalent measures of weight/mass within the U.S. Customary system.

  • Students use a strategy to identify equivalent measures of liquid volume within the U.S. Customary system.

  • Students justify the equivalent measures within the U.S. Customary system to determine the reasonableness of the answer.

Purposeful questions:

  • How can you use an input/output table to determine the equivalent measures?

  • When given the equivalent measure of one unit, can you identify other equivalent measures? Explain how you know.

  • Can you use a model to justify the equivalent measures between units?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can estimate and use U.S. Customary and metric units to measure length to the nearest ½ inch, inch, foot, yard, centimeter, and meter.
Students can estimate and use U.S. Customary and metric units to measure liquid volume in cups, pints, quarts, gallons, and liters.

Bridging Concepts

Students are familiar with input/output tables and can identify the rule in order to determine the unknown value. This strategy can be used when identifying equivalent measures.

Standard 4.8c

Students can identify equivalent measures of length, weight/mass, and liquid volume between units within the U.S. Customary system, given the equivalent measure of one unit.

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Standard 4.8d

Standard 4.8d Solve practical problems that involve length, weight/mass, and liquid volume in U.S. Customary units

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Measurement involves a comparison of an item that is being measured with a unit that has the same attribute (length, volume, weight, etc.). To measure anything meaningfully, the attribute to be measured must be understood (Van de Walle et al., 2018).

  • In mathematics, measurement instruments are devices that replace the need for actual measurement units in making comparisons (Van de Walle et al., 2018).

  • Estimation of measures and the development of benchmarks for frequently used units of measure help students increase their familiarity with units, preventing errors and aiding in the meaningful use of measurement (Van de Walle et al., 2018).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student solves a variety of practical problems for length, weight/mass, and liquid volume.

  • The student uses measurement benchmarks or referents to justify their answer when solving practical problems.

  • The student applies the relationship between units to determine the equivalent measures when converting from smaller units to a larger unit and/or larger units to smaller units.

  • The student connects and uses a variety of strategies to solve practical problems. Some of these strategies could include drawing a model, creating a table, using measurement tools, exploring patterns, and/or applying the conversion rule using computation.

Purposeful questions:

  • What strategies can you use to determine the equivalent measures between units?

  • Based on the given equivalent measure of one unit, is your answer reasonable? Explain why or why not.

  • Look at the equivalent measure of one unit, can you identify other equivalencies between units?

  • What patterns do you notice in your representation/strategy used to determine the equivalent measures between units. Will this pattern always work? How can this pattern help you determine other equivalent measures?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can use standard and nonstandard tools to measure length and weight/mass of objects, and liquid volume.
Students can estimate and measure: length to the nearest ½ inch, inch, foot, yard, centimeter and meter; weight to the nearest pound; and liquid volume to the nearest cup, pint, quarts, gallon, and liter.

Bridging Concepts

Students can use benchmarks to help solve measurement problems.

Standard 4.8d

Students can solve practical problems that involve length, weight/mass, and liquid volume in U.S. Customary units.

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Standard 4.9

Standard 4.9 Solve practical problems related to elapsed time in hours and minutes within a 12-hour period.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Time is measured in the same way that other attributes are measured. Time can be thought of as the duration of an event from its beginning to its end. To measure time, the units of time are measured from the start and counted until the activity is finished. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

  • Elapsed time should be modeled using an analog clock and timeline. (VDOE Curriculum Framework Grade 4)

  • Reading a clock can be difficult for students, but the skills of reading a clock are related to the skills of reading any meter that uses pointers on a numbered scale. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

  • When solving practical problems related to elapsed time, students should understand the relationship between minutes and hours, as well as, understanding the two cycles of 12 hours in the day. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Students can determine the start time when given the elapsed time and end time.

  • Students can determine the end time when given the elapsed time and start time.

  • Students can determine the elapsed time when given the start time and end time.

  • Students can read an analog clock when solving practical elapsed time problems.

  • Students can model elapsed time using a timeline.

  • Students can solve elapsed time problems identifying the correct a.m. and/or p.m. within a 12 hour period.

Purposeful questions:

  • Can you use the number line to model the elapsed time?

  • What strategy did you use to determine the elapsed time, start time, or end time?

  • When using the number line to model elapsed time, what benchmarks or friendly amounts can you use when determining the elapsed time? (jumps of: half hour, 15 minutes, 5-minutes, hours)

  • What is the difference between elapsed time and start/end time?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can count forward by ones, twos, fives, and tens, starting at various multiples of 2, 5, or 10.
Students can identify the number that is 10 more, 10 less, 100 more, and 100 less than a given number up to 999.
Students can recognize and use the relationships between addition and subtraction to solve single step practical problems.

Bridging Concepts

Students are familiar with equivalent periods of time such as minutes in an hour and hours in a day.
Students can tell time to the nearest minute, using a digital and analog clock.
Students can solve practical problems related to elapsed time in one-hour increments within a 12-hour period within a.m. or within p.m.

Standard 4.9

Students can solve practical problems related to elapsed time in hours and minutes within a 12-hour period.

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Standard 4.10a

Standard 4.10a Identify and describe points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles, including endpoints and vertices

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles, including endpoints and vertices are fundamental components of noncircular geometric figures. (VDOE Grade 4 Curriculum Framework)

  • In mathematics, the core attributes of space objects include point, line, line segment, and plane. Real-world situations can be used to think about these attributes (Charles, 2005).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student identifies and describes points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles, including endpoints and vertices using words and symbolic notation.

  • The student uses words and symbolic notation when naming points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles.

  • The student identifies points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles, including endpoints and vertices in real world settings.

  • The student draws points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles.

Purposeful questions:

  • Can you show me the ____ (line, line segments, etc.) in this picture? In our room?

  • How do you know this is a ____?

  • What is the difference between ___ and why__? (example line and line segment)

  • Do you see any other____ ? (line, line segments, angles, etc)

  • Can you use words to describe a _____ (line, line segment, ray, angle, and/or point)?

  • How can you name this angle? Is there more than one way?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can identify and draw representations of points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles.

Bridging Concepts

Students can recognize points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles in their world.

Standard 4.10a

Students can identify and describe points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles, including endpoints and vertices.

Standard 4.10b

Standard 4.10b Identify and describe intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Shapes have properties that can be used to describe and analyze them. When students are familiar with these properties, students will begin to see and appreciate the shapes in our world. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

  • The van Heile theory of geometric understanding describes how students learn geometry in a way that should lead to conceptual understanding. The different levels provide a framework for structuring student experiences when learning geometry concepts. (VDOE Curriculum Framework 4th Grade)

  • When students investigate, draw representations of, and describe the relationship among points, lines, line segments, rays and angles, students will then be able to apply this generalization to develop a conceptual understanding of parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines. (VDOE Curriculum Framework 4th Grade)

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Students can identify lines that are intersecting versus intersecting lines that are perpendicular.

  • Students can represent and model different types of lines.

  • Students can describe characteristics of parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines.

  • Students can look at images and identify different types of lines.

  • Students can use the symbolic notations when identifying parallel and perpendicular lines.

Purposeful questions:

  • Explain the difference between parallel and perpendicular lines.

  • What is the symbolic notation used to indicate that two lines are perpendicular or parallel?

  • Explain the relationship between intersecting and perpendicular lines.

  • Where would you find real world examples of intersecting, perpendicular, and parallel lines?

  • Explain the characteristics that define lines that are parallel.

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can identify and draw representations of points, line, line segments, rays, and angles.

Bridging Concepts

Students are familiar with different polygons that have right angles and opposite sides that are parallel.

Standard 4.10b

Students can identify and describe intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines.

Standard 4.11

Standard 4.11 Identify, describe, compare, and contrast plane and solid figures according to their characteristics (number of angles, vertices, edges, and the number and shape of faces) using concrete models and pictorial representations.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • When students analyze, compose, and decompose solid figures, students begin to identify and describe the shapes of the faces, number of faces, edges and vertices. Through this exploration students will begin to develop visualization skills that will help to recognize the existence of different components of three-dimensional shapes. (Common Core Standards Writing Team, 2019)

  • What makes shapes alike and different can be determined by several different geometric properties. Shapes can be classified into categories according to the attributes and properties that they share. (Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics)

  • The van Heile theory of geometric understanding describes how students learn geometry in a way that should lead to conceptual understanding. The different levels provide a framework for structuring student experiences when learning geometry concepts. (VDOE Curriculum Framework 4th Grade)

  • Both two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes exist in a variety of ways. There are many different ways that one can describe similarities and differences among shapes. The more ways that one can classify and describe the shapes, the better one will understand them. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Students can describe solid figures according to their characteristics such as shape of faces, number of faces, number of vertices, number of edges, and/or number of angles.

  • Students are able to compare and contrast plane and solid figures according to their characteristics.

      • Circle and sphere

      • Square and cube

      • Triangle and square pyramid

      • Rectangle and rectangular prism

  • Students are able to identify concrete models of solid figures.

  • Students are able to describe a vertex and are able to apply this concept when identifying the number of vertices in a plane and/or solid figure.

  • Students are able to identify real life examples of solid figures.

  • Students understand the difference between geometric terms, such as faces, vertices, and edges when describing solid figures.

Purposeful questions:

  • Explain why the characteristics of a sphere is defined as having zero faces, edges, and vertices.

  • How do you know this is a square pyramid? The underlined term can be changed accordingly.

  • Explain the difference between a cube and a rectangular prism?

  • Provide real life examples of solid figures including a cube, rectangular prism, square pyramid, sphere, cone, and cylinder.

  • Explain the similarities and differences of a square and a cube. (Note that the given plane and solid figure can be changed to other plane and solid figures as identified in the standards).

  • What combination of plane figures can be used to create a square pyramid?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can identify and draw representation of points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles.

Bridging Concepts

Students are familiar with plane and solid figures including circles/spheres, square/cubes, and rectangles/rectangular prisms.

Standard 4.11

Students can identify, describe, compare, and contrast plane and solid figures according to their characteristics (number of angles, vertices, edges, and the number and shape of faces) using concrete models and pictorial representations.

Standard 4.12

Standard 4.12 Classify quadrilaterals as parallelograms, rectangles, squares, rhombi, and/or trapezoids.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • When students have built a foundation of sorting shapes into different categories, students can then apply this understanding when thinking about the relationship between those categories. For example students can form larger categories, such as: all shapes with four sides or quadalaterials. They can then recognize that it includes other categories, such as squares, rectangles, rhombuses, parallelograms, and trapezoids. (Common Core Standards Writing Team, 2019).

  • Students should understand that shapes may share attributes (for example, having four sides) and that the shared attribute can define a larger category but that shape may not belong to other subcategories, such as a four-sided shape that has four right angles. (Common Core Standards Writing Team, 2019).

  • The van Heile theory of geometric understanding describes how students learn geometry in a way that should lead to conceptual understanding. The different levels provide a framework for structuring student experiences when learning geometry concepts. (VDOE Curriculum Framework 4th Grade)

  • In order to advance through the van Heile levels, students need to experience geometric activities that encourage them to explore, talk, and interact with the contents at the next level while increasing their experience at their current level. (Van de Walle et al, 2018)

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Students can sort quadrilaterals based on a variety of different properties.

  • Students can use geometric markings to identify parallel sides, congruent sides, and right angles when identifying quadrilaterals.

  • Students are able to classify quadrilaterals as parallelograms, rectangles, squares, rombi, and/or trapezoids.

  • Students are able to compare and contrast different quadrilaterals.

  • Students are able to apply the definition of parallelograms, rectangles, squares, rhombi, and trapezoids when classifying quadrilaterals.

Purposeful questions:

  • Can you identify and describe the geometric markings that are labeled in the quadrilateral?

  • Based on the geometric marking, this quadrilateral is classified as _______________.

  • How can you classify this quadrilateral? Explain your choice.

  • Identify the similarities and differences of a rhombus and parallelogram.

  • Identify the similarities and differences of a square and rectangle.

  • Identify the characteristics that define a trapezoid.

  • When classifying quadrilaterals, what characteristics should you identify?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can identify and name polygons with 10 or fewer sides.

Bridging Concepts

Students understand that a quadrilateral is a polygon with exactly four sides.
Students are also familiar with angles, parallel lines, and perpendicular lines.

Standard 4.12

Students can classify quadrilaterals as parallelograms, rectangles, squares, rhombi, and/or trapezoids.

Standard 4.13

Standard 4.13The student will

a) determine the likelihood of an outcome of a simple event;

b) represent probability as a number between 0 and 1, inclusive; and

c) create a model or practical problem to represent a given probability.

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Students should have opportunities to explore activities that will lead to conceptual understanding of probability rather than focusing on computation and formulas. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

  • Probability is quantified as a number between 0 and 1, where an event is “impossible” if it has a probability of 0 and an event is “certain” if it has a probability of 1. (VDOE Curriculum Framework Grade 4)

  • Probability of an event can be expressed as a fraction, where the numerator represents the number of favorable outcomes and the denominator represents the total number of outcomes. (VDOE Curriculum Framework Grade 4)

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • Students can create a model to represent a given probability.

  • Students can write the probability of a given event as a fraction.

  • Students are able to use a variety of manipulatives such as a spinner, number cube, or coins to determine all possible outcomes.

  • Students are able to determine the likelihood of an event occurring using the terms certain, likely, equally likely, unlikely, and impossible.

  • Students are able to identify the probability of the event occurring as a number between 0 and 1 on a number line.

  • Students are able to identify when the probability of events occurring is equally likely. For example, it is equally likely to select a green marble as it is to select a red marble because the probability of each of the events is the same.

Purposeful questions:

  • Can you create a model where the probability of events occurring are equally likely?

  • Where on the number line would you represent the probability of the event occurring as a number between 0 and 1? For example: rolling a number cube with sections labeled 1-6 and landing on a number greater than 4.

  • Can you determine all of the possible outcomes using the given manipulatives (spinner, number cubes, counters…)?

  • Can you create a model to represent the given probability? Can you create more than one model? For example, create a bag of marbles where the probability of selecting a green marble is 2/8.

  • Explain why the probability of an event occurring compared to the results of the experiment may differ? Will this always happen?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can investigate and describe the concept of probability as a measurement of chance and list possible outcomes for a single event.

Bridging Concepts

Students can connect fraction knowledge (specifically, the relationship between the numerator and denominator) to help determine the probability of an event occurring.
Students also connect the idea of probability as a number between 0 and 1 to representing fractions on a linear model, such as a number line.

Standard 4.13

Students can a) determine the likelihood of an outcome of a simple event;b) represent probability as a number between 0 and 1, inclusive; andc) create a model or practical problem to represent a given probability.

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Standard 4.14ac

Standard 4.14ac The student will:

a) collect, organize, and represent data in bar graphs and line graphs;

c) compare two different representations of the same data (e.g., a set of data displayed on a chart and a bar graph, a chart and a line graph, or a pictograph and a bar graph).

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Students see that graphs and charts tell about information and that different types of representations tell different things about the same data. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

  • Statistics involves a four-step process: formulating questions, collecting data, analyzing data, and interpreting results. (Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics)

  • Bar graphs are useful for illustrating categories of data that have no numeric ordering. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

  • A line graph is used when there is a numeric value that is represented along a continuous number scale. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

  • Students should have the opportunity to compare different types of representations such as a chart and graph to learn how different graphs can show different aspects of the same data. (VDOE Curriculum Framework 4th Grade)

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student can formulate questions, gather data, and create a graph.

  • The student can create a bar graph with an appropriate title, scale, and labeled axis to represent the data.

  • The student can create a line graph with an appropriate title, scale, and labeled axis to represent the numerical data.

  • The student is able to organize data into a chart or table and is able to determine the best graph to represent the data.

  • The student understands the different purposes of using a chart or graph (bar, line, or pictograph) to represent the same data.

Purposeful questions:

  • What information can you gather from the data represented in the graph?

  • What do you notice about the graph? What do you wonder about the information presented in the graph?

  • How can you determine an appropriate scale to use when creating a bar or line graph?

  • What would be an appropriate title for the graph?

  • What different information can you gather when looking at the chart compared to a bar graph?

  • When looking at the bar graph, what visual information can you gather?

  • When looking at two different representations such as a chart and line graph, what different information can you gather from the same data?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can collect, organize, and represent data in a pictograph and bar graph.
Students can read and interpret data represented in pictographs and bar graphs.

Bridging Concepts

Students understand the purpose of a graph in formulating questions, collecting and organizing data, and analyzing the data represented.
Students are also familiar with the parts of the graph and are able to read a scale in increments of whole numbers.

Standard 4.14ac

Students can a) collect, organize, and represent data in bar graphs and line graphs;c) compare two different representations of the same data (e.g., a set of data displayed on a chart and a bar graph, a chart and a line graph, or a pictograph and a bar graph).

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Standard 4.14b

Standard 4.14b Interpret data represented in bar graphs and line graphs

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • In real life, we organize information in tables and graphs to present data in a concise way. We need to be able to understand and interpret statistics in order to deal with complex issues and make decisions.

  • In mathematics, graphs and charts tell about information and that different types of representation tell different things about the same data.

  • Bar graphs display grouped data and should be used to compare different categories. Line graphs are used to show how two data sets are related and may be used to show changes over time (Grade 4 VDOE Standards of Learning Document).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student makes observations and describes characteristics of the data represented in a bar graph or line graph.

  • The student identifies the data points displayed in the graphs in order to interpret the given information.

  • The student makes predictions and generalizations based on the data in a given bar graph and/or line graph.

  • The student demonstrates an understanding of the purpose of a graph by generating statements related to the given graph.

Purposeful questions:

  • Can you identify a variety of characteristics represented in this graph? Students could identify the greatest/least categories, make predictions based on the given data, or identify individual data points.

  • If this trend continues what predictions can you make based on the given data? Explain your answer.

  • Based on the given set of data, which graph is most appropriate for organizing the information?

  • Why is the title and labels of the graph important?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can collect, organize, and represent data in pictographs and bar graphs.
Students can read and interpret data represented in pictographs and bar graphs.

Bridging Concepts

Students can recognize the purpose of a graph based on the labeled parts of the graph.
Students can interpret different scales and relationships between the x-axis and y-axis on a variety of types of graphs.

Standard 4.14b

Students can interpret data represented in bar graphs and line graphs.

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Standard 4.15

Standard 4.15 Identify, describe, create, and extend patterns found in objects, pictures, numbers, and tables

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Skip counting on the number line generates number patterns.

  • The structure of the base ten numeration system produces many numerical patterns.

  • Known elements in a pattern can be used to predict other elements (Charles, 2005).

  • Patterns and functions can be represented in many ways and described using words, tables, graphs, and symbols (VDOE Curriculum Framework).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student recognizes increasing patterns and decreasing patterns, and makes connections to addition and subtraction.

  • The student can justify how and why a rule works.

  • The student applies a rule throughout an entire pattern and utilizes a rule to extend patterns..

  • The student represents the same pattern in multiple ways (picture, table, numbers, words, etc.).

Purposeful questions:

  • What is a rule? Do all patterns have one?

  • How did you identify the rule? How did you know what operation to use?

  • How do you know the rule will always work for that pattern?

  • When you solved this problem, what did you notice about the relationship between addition and subtraction?

  • How could you represent this pattern another way?

  • Can you create another pattern that follows the same rule?

  • What is the difference between a growing pattern and a repeating pattern?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can identify, describe, create, and extend patterns found in objects, pictures, numbers, and tables.

Bridging Concepts

Students can recognize growing patterns.
Students, when given the rule, can determine the missing values in a list or table.

Standard 4.15

Students can identify, describe, create, and extend patterns found in objects, pictures, numbers, and tables.

Standard 4.16

Standard 4.16 Recognize and demonstrate the meaning of equality in an equation

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Understanding the Learning Progression

Big Ideas:

  • Any number, measure, numerical expression, algebraic expression, or equation can be represented in an infinite number of ways that have the same value. Numerical expressions can be named in an infinite number of different but equivalent ways (e.g. 4x6=48/2) (Charles, 2005).

  • The equal symbol means that both values on either side of the equation are balanced. (VDOE Curriculum Framework)

  • Numbers can be decomposed into parts in an infinite number of ways (Charles, 2005).

Important Assessment Look-fors:

  • The student creates equations that have the same value using a variety of operations.

  • The student justifies why an equation is equivalent or not equivalent.

  • The student recognizes that an equal sign means that two expressions or values on either side are the same and that it is not always a symbol indicating the “answer comes next”.

  • The student recognizes unequal expressions and explains why they are unequal. For example: “ I know 15-3=12+5 is not true because 15-3 is not the same as 12+5. Their values are different.”

Purposeful questions:

  • How do you know you created an equivalent or true equation?

  • What do you notice about this mistake? How do you know it’s a mistake? How could you prove it?

  • How can you use representations or models for this equation?

  • How do you know the equations are balanced?

  • How did you find the missing value? What helped you?

  • How can you prove that two expressions are equal or not equal to each other using representations or models?

  • How are equations like a balance scale? How are they different?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can collect, organize, and represent data in pictographs and bar graphs.
Students can read and interpret data represented in pictographs and bar graphs.

Bridging Concepts

Students can recognize the purpose of a graph based on the labeled parts of the graph.
Students can interpret different scales and relationships between the x-axis and y-axis on a variety of types of graphs.

Standard 4.14b

Students can interpret data represented in bar graphs and line graphs.