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Formative Assessment and Bridging activities

Grade 3

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*These standards are bridging standards. Standards are considered a bridge when they: function as a bridge to which other content within the grade level/course is connected; serve as prerequisite knowledge for content to be addressed in future grade levels/courses; or possess endurance beyond a single unit of instruction within a grade level/course.

Standard 3.1A

Standard 3.1a Read, write, and identify the place and value of each digit in a six-digit whole number, with and without models.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • The structure of numbers is based on unitizing amounts into groups of ones, tens, and hundreds, etc and these groups can be reorganized so that numbers can be represented in multiple ways. For example 2,560 can be 2 thousands, 5 hundreds, 6 tens, OR 25 hundreds and 6 tens.

  • Place value refers to the value of each digit and depends on the position of the digit in the number.

  • Numbers are arranged in periods and the places in those periods repeat.

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Students are able to successfully identify multiple ways to identify a given number.

  • Students are able to use values and various representations to create a given number.

  • Students are able to place 0 (zero) place holders when applicable and use the comma in the appropriate location.

  • Students are able to differentiate between the value and place of a digit.

Purposeful Questions:

  • Explain why you wrote that number in the way you did?

  • How did you determine the digit in the (ones, tens, hundreds, etc.) place? What is the value of the digit in the (ones, tens, hundreds, etc.) place?

  • Read that number out loud. Does that match what is in the question?

  • How could you represent this number in a different way?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can read, write, and identify the place and value of each digit in a three-digit numeral with and without models

Bridging Concepts

Students understand the base-ten number system (i.e., the value of each place is 10 times the value of the digit to the right).

Students have an understanding that the value of the digit is determined by its place in the number.

Standard 3.1A

Students can read, write, represent, and identify the place and value of each digit in a six-digit numeral with and without models.

Standard 3.1B

Standard 3.1b Round whole numbers, 9,999 or less, to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • An understanding of the structure of the base-ten number system is based upon a simple pattern of tens, where each place is ten times the value of the place to its right.

  • When rounding to the nearest 10, 100, or 1,000, the goal is to approximate the number by the closest number with no ones, no tens and ones, or no hundreds, tens, and ones (Common Core Standards Writing Team, 2019).

  • In mathematics a number line can be used to locate a given number and determine the closest multiples of ten, hundred, or thousand.

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Students can write the number accurately with the appropriate number of digits.

  • Students have an understanding of the base-10 system and are able to identify the tens, hundreds, thousands place in order to round.

  • When rounding students use placeholders after the rounded place value.

  • Students are able to determine the closest multiple of ten, hundred, or thousand for the given number.

Purposeful Questions:

  • How did you know to round ________ to ________? (224 to 220)

  • What digit is in the (tens, hundreds, thousands) place? Why did it round to _______?

  • Explain why you chose _________ to round to 3,670.

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can read, write, and identify the place and value of each digit in a three-digit numeral, with and without models.

Students can r
ound two-digit numbers to the nearest ten.

Bridging Concepts

Students have an understanding of place value in the base-10 system.

Students use estimation to find landmark numbers and benchmarks.

Standard 3.1B

Students can round whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand.

Standard 3.1C

Standard 3.1c Compare and order whole numbers, each 9,999 or less.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Comparing magnitudes of four-digit numbers uses the understanding that 1 thousand is greater than any amount of hundreds, tens, and ones represented by a three-digit number.

  • Four-digit numbers are first compared by inspecting the thousands place, then the hundreds place and so on.

  • Whole numbers can be compared by analyzing corresponding place values (Charles, 2005, p.14).

  • Numbers can be compared by their relative values (Charles, 2005, p. 14). For example, benchmark numbers are important numbers against which other numbers or quantities can be estimated and compared. Benchmark numbers are usually multiples of 10 or 100.

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student uses the >, <,=, and symbols correctly.

  • Student uses the terms greatest and least correctly.

  • Student composes a number that is less than, greater than, or equal to a given number using appropriate place value.

  • Student uses place value understanding when comparing numbers.

Purposeful Questions:

  • How did you know which number was larger/smaller?

  • Why did you order the numbers in that way?

  • Why is that number greater than/less than/equal to the given number?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can compare and order whole numbers between 0 and 999.

Bridging Concepts

Students understand place value through hundred thousands.

Standard 3.1c

Students can compare and order whole numbers between 0 and 9,999.

Standard 3.2a

Standard 3.2a Name and write fractions and mixed numbers represented by a model.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Fractions represent equal parts of a whole, part of a group, or part of a length (number line model).

  • The denominator is the total number of parts in the whole or group and the numerator is the number of parts being indicated.

  • Mixed numbers are written in two parts: a whole number and a proper fraction.

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student names and writes numerators and/or denominators to match the model.

  • Student represents the denominator as the total number of parts in the whole, group, or on the number line, not the number of parts that are not being indicated.

  • Student differentiates between a proper fraction and an improper fraction.

  • Student identifies mixed numbers as a whole number and a proper fraction.

Purposeful Questions:

  • Explain how you know that your numerator and denominator are correct.

  • How did you determine the fraction being represented was a proper fraction or improper fraction/mixed number?

  • Can you also write the mixed number as an improper fraction? How do you know they represent the same amount?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can name and write fractions showing halves, fourths, eighths, thirds, and sixths.

Bridging Concepts

Students can differentiate between the numerator and denominator.

Students understand that the denominator names the total number of parts in the whole or group and the numerator is the number of parts being indicated.

Standard 3.2a

Students can name and write fractions and mixed numbers represented by a model.

Standard 3.2b

Standard 3.2b Represent fractions and mixed numbers with models and symbols.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Fractions are numerical representations for part of a whole or a set.

  • Unit fractions are the basic building blocks of fractions and are iterated multiple times to represent other fractions. (Common Core Progressions, p.7)

  • Mixed numbers and improper fractions are greater than one whole.

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student divides an area model into the appropriate number of equal-sized pieces to represent the denominator of a given fraction.

  • Student adds unit fractions to identify and name a larger fraction.

  • Student draws more than one whole (of a set or an area model) to represent mixed numbers and improper fractions.

  • Student names a model representing more than 1 whole as a mixed number or an improper fraction.

  • Student locates improper fractions on the number in a position greater than 1 whole.

Purposeful Questions:

  • Why did you represent that fraction in that way?

  • What is another way you could represent that fraction?

  • Can you create an addition sentence that would be equivalent to your fraction representation?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can represent, with models and with symbols, fractional parts of a whole for halves, fourths, eighths, thirds, and sixths.

Bridging Concepts

Students can identify an improper fraction as a fraction with a numerator that is larger than the denominator.

Students can identify mixed numbers as a whole number and a proper fraction.

Students can connect representations of an improper fraction with a mixed number.

Standard 3.2b

Students can represent fractions and mixed numbers with models and symbols.

Standard 3.2c

Standard 3.2c Compare fractions having like and unlike denominators, using words and symbols (>, <, =, or ≠), with models

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Two fractions that have the same denominator have unit fractions that are the same size, so the fraction with the greater numerator is greater because it is made of more unit fractions (Common Core Progressions, p.9).

  • For unit fractions, the one with the larger denominator is smaller, by reasoning, for example, that in order for more (identical) pieces to make the same whole, the pieces must be smaller. For two fractions that have the same numerator, the fraction with the smaller denominator is greater because the pieces are larger (Common Core Progressions, p.9).

  • Fractions can be compared by reasoning about the relative size of the fractions, assuming the same size whole.

  • Benchmark fractions of 0, 1, and ½ are used in comparing fractions.

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student use words (greater than, less than or equal to) and symbols (>, <, =) appropriately.

  • Student draws models that are the same size when comparing fractions.

  • Student attends to both the numerator and denominator when comparing fractions, not just comparing numerators (ex. 1/4 < 2/12 because 1 is less than 2).

  • Student uses the benchmarks 0, ½, and 1 when comparing fractions.

  • Student uses to identify other fractions that are equivalent to 1/2 (3/6, 4/8, etc.).

Purposeful Questions:

  • How do you know this fraction is greater than/less than the other fraction? (i.e., how is 2/5 less than 4/10?)

  • Where on a number line would you put these fractions? How can you use the number line to help you compare the fractions?

  • How does this fraction compare to the benchmark of 1/2 (or 0 or 1)?

  • Can you draw a model to compare this fraction to 1/2?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can compare unit fractions for halves, fourths, eighths, thirds, and sixths), using words (greater than, less than or equal to) and symbols (>, <, =), with models.

Bridging Concepts

Students can compare fractions based on the size of the pieces, not just the numbers.

Students can use benchmarks to reason and make comparisons among fractions (when appropriate).

Standard 3.2c

Students can compare fractions having like and unlike denominators, using words and symbols (>, <, =, or ≠), with models.

Standard 3.3a

Standard 3.3a Estimate and determine the sum or difference of two whole numbers.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Properties of operations allow for multi-digit numbers to be broken down into single digit numbers (place value) for computation (addition and/or subtraction). (Common Core Progressions, pg. 3)

  • Concrete models, drawings, and symbolic representations may be used to find sums and differences.

  • Estimation is a form of rounding. Rounding addends before finding a sum or difference allows students to estimate an answer and determine the reasonableness of the final answer to their computation. (Prince William County, Grade 3 Unit 1 guide).

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student uses place value to break numbers down for computing with multi-digit numbers.

  • Student represents multi-digit numbers with concrete items and/or abstract drawings.

  • Student makes reasonable estimations.

  • Student finds the estimate or determines the sum or difference of two multi-digit numbers.

Purposeful Questions:

  • What steps are needed to provide an estimate? What strategy did you use?

  • How does place value help you when determining the sum or difference?

  • What strategy did you use to determine the sum or difference? How will you prove your answer?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can demonstrate fluency for addition or subtraction within.

Bridging Concepts

Students can estimate the sum or difference within 20.

Standard 3.3a

Students can estimate and determine the sum or difference of two whole numbers.

Standard 3.3b

Standard 3.3b Create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving sums or differences of two whole numbers, each 9,999 or less

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Flexible methods of computation involve taking apart (decomposing) and combining (composing) numbers in a variety of ways (Van de Walle et al, 2018).

  • Making sense of the problem requires an emphasis on thinking and reasoning rather than on key words.

  • Exposure and opportunity to engage with a variety of problem types will strengthen students’ ability to solve new problems. For more information about addition/subtraction problem types see the Grade 3 VDOE Standards of Learning Document p. 15.

  • Addition and subtraction are inverse operations. Inverse operations are related and can flexibly be used to solve problems.

  • Estimation should be used to determine if an answer is reasonable.

Math Strength Instructional Video 3.3b

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student makes sense of the problem and is able to identify the unknown.

  • Student uses an appropriate operation to solve the problem.

  • Student uses an efficient strategy to solve the problem and is able to explain their reasoning.

  • Student determines if their answer is reasonable.

Purposeful Questions:

  • What is the unknown?

  • How did you know what operation to use to solve the problem?

  • Is there another way to solve this problem?

  • How can you justify or prove your answer is correct?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving sums or differences of two whole numbers, each 99 or less.

Students understand addition/subtraction conceptually (joining/separating) and can solve 2-digit equations.

Bridging Concepts

Students can apply addition/ subtraction appropriately and can solve multi-step problems.

Students can solve problems with 3- and 4-digit whole numbers.

Standard 3.3b

Students can create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving sums or differences of two whole numbers, each 9,999 or less.

Standard 3.4A

Standard 3.4a Represent multiplication and division through 10 × 10, using a variety of approaches and models

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Early counting and addition strategies, such as skip counting and using doubles, provide a foundation for solving multiplication problems. Multiplication and division are inverse operations. Multiplication and division can be represented in a variety of different approaches and models, such as equal-sized groups, arrays, length model (number line), commutative property.

  • The equal-sets or equal-groups model lends itself to sorting a variety of concrete objects into equal groups and reinforces the concept of multiplication as a way to find the total number of items in a collection of groups, with the same amount in each group, and the total number of items can be found by repeated addition or skip counting. The array model, consisting of rows and columns (e.g., four rows of six columns for a 4-by 6 array), helps build an understanding of the commutative property.

  • In multiplication, one factor represents the number of equal groups and the other factor represents the number in or size of each group. The product is the total number in all of the groups. Models of multiplication may include repeated addition and collections of like sets, partial products, and area or array models.

  • Division is the operation of making equal groups or shares. When the original amount and the number of shares are known, divide to determine the size of each share. When the original amount and the size of each share are known, divide to determine the number of shares. Both situations may be modeled with base-ten manipulatives. Division is the inverse of multiplication. Terms used in division are dividend, divisor, and quotient. Students benefit from experiences with various methods of division, such as repeated subtraction and partial quotients.
    Math Strength Instructional Video 3.4a

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student relates skip counting to multiplication.

  • Student uses repeated addition/subtraction and relates it to multiplication/division.

  • Student solves problems in different ways that show the same idea.

  • Student uses manipulatives to represent a problem and translate that into an accurate picture.

Purposeful Questions:

  • Tell me about your answer. What does your answer represent?

  • How does your drawing represent the problem? Explain your reasoning for selecting that representation.

  • Is there another representation you could use? What would it look like on a number line?

  • Which number is the whole (product/dividend) and which numbers are the parts (factors/divisor/quotient) in your related facts?

  • What expression (or equation) would match this problem? (e.., Sue has 5 pencil boxes with 8 pencils in each box. How many pencils does she have?).

  • Does it matter what order the factors are in? Why or why not?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can skip count by twos, fives, and tens and identify number patterns.

Students can determine sums and differences.

Bridging Concepts

Students can relate skip counting (equal groups) to multiplication and relate repeated addition/ subtraction to multiplication/ division.

Students understand multiplication/division conceptually (understanding making equal groups or shares).

Standard 3.4a

Students can represent multiplication and division through 10 × 10.

Standard 3.4b

Standard 3.6c Create and solve single-step practical problems that involve multiplication and division through 10 x 10

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Some basic multiplication facts can be found by breaking apart the unknown fact into known facts. Then the answers to the known facts are combined to give the final value (Charles pg. 22).

  • Some real-world problems involving joining equal groups, separating equal groups, comparison, or combinations can be solved using multiplication; others can be solved using division (Charles pg. 21).

  • There are several different types of multiplication and division problems. There are three main categories of problems: equal group problems, multiplicative comparison problems, and array problems.

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student writes an appropriate expression or equation to represent the problem

  • Student accurately solves the equation that they created to represent the problem.

  • Student uses a strategy that works best for them to determine the correct product or quotient.

  • Student understands what the word problem is asking and is able to identify what they are solving for (result, starting quantity, etc.).

Purposeful Questions:

  • How did you know to multiply/divide for that problem?

  • How did you get that product/quotient when you solved the problem?

  • What strategy did you use to solve the problem?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can count forward by twos, fives, and tens to 120, starting at various multiples of 2, 5, and 10.

Students can create and solve single-step and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction.

Bridging Concepts

Students understand multiplication and division concepts.

Students can use various representations of multiplication and division, including foundational facts (0, 1, 2, 5, and 10), to solve multiplication and division problems.

Standard 3.4b

Students can create and solve single-step problems that involve multiplication and division through 10 x 10.

Standard 3.4C

Standard 3.4c Demonstrate fluency with multiplication facts of 0, 1, 2, 5, and 10

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Some basic multiplication facts can be found by breaking apart the unknown fact into known facts. Then the answers to the known facts are combined to give the final value (Charles pg. 22).

  • There are patterns and relationships that exist in these facts and those relationships can be used to learn and retain the facts.

  • By studying patterns and relationships, a foundation for fluency with multiplication facts and the corresponding division facts can be built.

Math Strength Instructional Video 3.4c

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student uses a variety of strategies to solve facts (arrays, equal groups, skip counting, etc.).

  • Student applies the identity property of multiplication that states that any number multiplied by 1 is that same number.

  • Student applies the zero property of multiplication.

  • Student uses the commutative property for multiplication when appropriate to do so.

Purposeful Questions:

  • What strategy did you use to find the product of _________?

  • How do you know ______ is the product of ________?

  • Is there another fact that will help you with this one?

  • What did you do to solve this problem?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can skip count by twos, fives, and tens up to 120.

Students can find the difference between two-digit numbers.

Bridging Concepts

Students can determine the value of coins.

Students can find the difference between two three-digit numbers.

Standard 3.4c

Students can make change with $5.00 or less.

Standard 3.4d

Standard 3.4d Solve single-step practical problems involving multiplication of whole numbers, where one factor is 99 or less and the second factor is 5 or less.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Some basic multiplication facts can be found by breaking apart the unknown fact into known facts. Then the answers to the known facts are combined to give the final value (Charles, 2005).

  • Students should explore and apply the properties of multiplication and addition as strategies for solving multiplication and division problems using a variety of representations (e.g., manipulatives, diagrams, and symbols). (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework).

  • The properties of the operations are “rules” about how numbers work and how they relate to one another. Students at this level do not need to use the formal terms for these properties but should utilize these properties to further develop flexibility and fluency in solving problems. (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework).

  • Strategies for solving problems that involve multiplication or division may include mental strategies, partial products, the standard algorithm, and the commutative, associative, and distributive properties. (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework)

  • Students should experience a variety of problem types related to multiplication and division. (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework)

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • The student can explain how to find the product or quotient.

  • The student is able to use a variety of strategies and representations.

  • The student’s work shows that they understand the context given in the problem and can use it to determine the operation needed in order to solve.

Purposeful Questions:

  • How did you represent your thinking?

  • How do you know your answer is correct?

  • Can you show your thinking using a different strategy?

  • How can you use what you know to find a product with a two-digit number as one of its factors?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can create and solve single-step and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction.

Bridging Concepts

Students understand multiplication and division concepts as equal size groups, jumps or arrays.

Students have strategies to find products and quotients.

Standard 3.4d

Students can solve single-step practical problems involving multiplication of whole numbers, where one factor is 99 or less and the second factor is 5 or less.

Standard 3.5

Standard 3.5 Solve practical problems that involve addition and subtraction with proper fractions having like denominators of 12 or less .

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • The understanding of addition as putting together allows students to see the way fractions are composed of unit fractions.

  • Prior knowledge of addition and subtraction of whole numbers allows for composing and decomposing fractions with the same denominator.

  • Whole numbers can be represented as an equivalent fraction, thereby supporting addition and subtraction computations with whole numbers and fractions.

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student recognizes fractions represented by models.

  • Student uses an appropriate operation to solve the problem.

  • Student adds/subtracts numerators only while recognizing denominator remains unchanged.

  • Student recognizes when a sum is an improper fraction and is able to convert it to a mixed number.

Purposeful Questions:

  • Does your answer make sense? How do you know?

  • Why did you add/subtract the numerators and not the denominators?

  • Why did you add/subtract the numerators and the denominators?

  • How did you come up with that fraction for your answer?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can name and write fractions represented by a set model showing halves, fourths, eighths, thirds, and sixths.

Students can create and solve single-step practical problems involving addition or subtraction of whole numbers.

Bridging Concepts

Students can apply whole number strategies for adding and subtracting (i.e., putting together/taking apart) to adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators.

Standard 3.5

Students can solve practical problems that involve addition and subtraction with proper fractions having like denominators of 12 or less, using concrete and pictorial models representing area/regions.

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Standard 3.6a

Standard 3.6a Determine the value of a collection of bills and coins whose total value is $5.00 or less

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Prior experiences with coin identification and values support students’ abilities in finding the value of a collection of coins and bills.

  • Strategies to determine the value of the collection are counting on, starting with the highest value coin or bill, grouping like coins, or “make compatible combinations.” (Van de Walle, 2019, p.495)

  • Properties of operations allow for computation (addition and/or subtraction) of the collection value. (Common Core Progressions, pg. 3)

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student groups like coins and uses repeated addition or skip counting to determine the value of a collection.

  • Students group coins to allow for the use of benchmark numbers to make counting more efficient (i.e., combines a quarter and a nickel to make 30 cents and is then able to add remaining dimes).

  • Student uses counting or addition strategies to find the value of a bill and coin collection.

  • Student draws an efficient collection of dollars and coins to represent a value (using combinations other than just pennies).

Purposeful Questions:

  • What strategy did you use? Is there another strategy that can be used?

  • Which coins might you combine to create benchmark numbers?

  • What is the value of the highest coin? Or bill?

  • How many quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies, or bills are there?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can correctly identify the value of individual bills and coins.

Students can identify equivalency between coins (i.e., 5 nickels has the same value as a quarter).

Bridging Concepts

Students can determine the value of a collection of bills and coins whose total value is $2.00 or less.

Standard 3.6a

Students can determine the value of a collection of bills and coins whose total value is $5.00 or less.

Standard 3.6b

Standard 3.6b Compare the value of two sets of coins or two sets of coins and bills.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • The value of coins and/or bills determine the value of the collection, not the number of coins and/or bills.

  • When counting collections of coins and bills, students extend matching strategies used to compare collections of objects in earlier elementary grades.

  • The terms is greater than, is less than, and is equal to are used to describe the relation of sets of coins/bills.

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student identifies coins/bills and their respective values.

  • Student determines the value of each set of coins/bills.

  • Student compares their total value OR uses a matching strategy to compare the value of the sets.

  • Student provides reasoning for their selection of the term is greater than, is less than, or is equal to.

Purposeful Questions:

  • What strategy did you use to find the value of the collection(s)?

  • What does “is greater than, is less than, or is equal to” mean? What symbol is used to show “is greater than, is less than, or is equal to?”

  • Did you find any equivalent values with the coins and bills? If so, which?

  • Can you create a set of coins/bills that has a value “greater than” or “less than” this set?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can skip count by twos, fives, and tens up to 120.

Students can find the difference between two-digit numbers.

Bridging Concepts

Students can determine the value of coins.

Students can find the difference between two three-digit numbers.

Standard 3.6b

Students can make change with $5.00 or less.

Standard 3.6C

Standard 3.6c Make change from $5.00 or less.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Prior experiences with coin identification supports students’ skill in finding the value of a coin and bill collection.

  • Strategies to calculate change include: starting with the total amount purchased and counting up to the amount spent; subtracting the amount purchased from the amount spent; and finding the next whole dollar. A number line and a hundreds chart support students’ learning to make change.

  • Properties of operations allow for computation (addition and/or subtraction) of the value of change.

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student identifies coins/bills and their respective values.

  • Student uses manipulatives or other tactile objects to solve problems involving making change.

  • Student uses a variety of strategies to solve problems involving making change (i.e., part-part-whole, counting on, number line, or subtracting).

  • Students use the values of the money available and the purchased items to determine an appropriate strategy to make change.

Purposeful Questions:

  • What strategy did you use to solve for the change? Can you explain more?

  • What coins and/or bills did you choose to make the change?

  • Is there another way and/or strategy to solve this problem?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can skip count by twos, fives, and tens up to 120.

Students can find the difference between two-digit numbers.

Bridging Concepts

Students can determine the value of coins.

Students can find the difference between two three-digit numbers.

Standard 3.6c

Students can make change with $5.00 or less.

Standard 3.7a

Standard 3.7a Estimate and measure length to the nearest inch, ½ inch, foot, yard, centimeter, and meter

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Measuring length or distance consists of two aspects, choosing a unit of measure and subdividing (mentally and physically) the object by that unit, placing that unit end to end (iterating) alongside the object (Common Core Progressions, pg. 4).

  • The length of the object is the number of units required to iterate from one end of the object to the other, without gaps or overlaps (Common Core Progressions, pg. 4).

  • Having real-world “benchmarks” is useful. Prior understanding of concepts of measurement and scale enhances estimation of an object's measurement (Common Core Progressions, pg. 14-15).

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student correctly subdivides inches in half.

  • Student uses the ruler correctly, placing the zero mark at one end of the object and ending their measurement at the end of the object.

  • Student accurately measures the length/width of objects using the correct unit.

  • Student uses an appropriate measuring tool for each question.

Purposeful Questions:

  • How did you know that measurement is correct?

  • Can you show me how you found that measurement? Explain how you know it is correct.

  • Where did you place your ruler to measure that item?

  • What if we had a broken ruler? Could we still use it to measure objects?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can use nonstandard units to measure length.

Students choose an appropriate measuring tool (ruler, tape measure) to measure length.

Students use and read a ruler or tape measure appropriately.

Bridging Concepts

Students can use a ruler or tape measure to measure various items to the nearest inch.

Students can use benchmarks to make meaningful estimates of length.

Standard 3.7a

Students can estimate and measure length to the nearest inch, ½ inch, foot, yard, centimeter, and meter.

Standard 3.7b

Standard 3.7b Estimate and measure liquid volume in cups, pints, quarts, gallons, and liters.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Volume measurements can be estimated using appropriate known referents (Charles, pg. 22).

  • Benchmarks of common objects need to be established for each of the specified units of measure (cup, pint, quart, gallon, liter). (VDOE Curriculum Framework)

  • Liquid measurement can be represented with one-dimensional scales. Problems may be presented with drawings or diagrams, such as measurements on a beaker with a measurement scale in milliliters (Common Core Progressions, pg. 19).

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student recognizes and uses the scales on the containers (when appropriate).

  • Student measures the liquid volume by using the appropriate unit of measure.

  • Student understands that larger containers hold more water than smaller containers.

Purposeful Questions:

  • Why did you choose that unit of liquid volume for that specific container?

  • Explain how you got ______ for the liquid volume of that container.

  • What is the scale (if appropriate) for the container? Explain how you know.

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can use nonstandard units to measure liquid volume.

Bridging Concepts

Students can choose appropriate tools for measuring liquid volume.

Students can use benchmarks to make meaningful estimates of liquid volume.

Standard 3.7b

Students can estimate and measure liquid volume in cups, pints, quarts, gallons, and liters.

Standard 3.8a

Standard 3.8a Measure the distance around a polygon in order to determine its perimeter using U.S. Customary and metric units.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Measurement involves a comparison of an attribute of an item or situation with a unit that has the same attribute. Lengths are compared to units of length and areas to units of area. Before anything can be measured meaningfully, it is necessary to understand the attribute to be measured. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

  • Meaningfully measurement and estimation of measurements depend on a personal familiarity with the unit of measure being used. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

  • To measure something, one must decide on the attribute to be measured, select a unit that has that attribute, then compare the units with the attribute of what is being measured. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

  • Perimeter is the path or distance around any plane figure. (Grade 3 VDOE Curriculum Framework)

  • The unit of measure used to find the perimeter is stated along with the numerical value when expressing the perimeter of a figure (e.g., the perimeter of the book cover is 38 inches). (Grade 3 VDOE Curriculum Framework)

  • Opportunities to explore the concept of perimeter should involve hands-on experiences (e.g., placing toothpicks (units) around a polygon and counting the number of toothpicks to determine its perimeter. (Grade 3 VDOE Curriculum Framework)

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • The student correctly calculates perimeter.

  • The student accurately measures distance with a ruler.

  • The student correctly combines the lengths of all of the sides.

  • The student measures all of the sides of a figure when measuring the sides of the concave figure.

Purposeful Questions:

  • What do we mean by perimeter?

  • What is the perimeter of a polygon and how is it determined?

  • How can we measure the perimeter of a polygon?

  • How can measurements of perimeter be estimated?

  • Why is it important to measure all sides of a polygon when measuring perimeter?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students will estimate and then measure the length of various line segments and objects to the nearest inch using a ruler.

Bridging Concepts

Students have experience using a ruler to the nearest inch to measure lines. Students can describe plane figures.

Standard 3.8a

Students can measure the distance around a polygon in order to determine its perimeter using U.S. Customary and metric units.

Standard 3.8b

Standard 3.8b Count the number of square units needed to cover a given surface in order to determine its area.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Measurement involves a comparison of an attribute of an item or situation with a unit that has the same attribute. Lengths are compared to units of length and areas to units of area. Before anything can be measured meaningfully, it is necessary to understand the attribute to be measured. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

  • Area is a measure of the space inside a region or how much it takes to cover a region. As with other attributes, students must first understand the attribute of area before measuring. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

  • Area is the number of iterations of a two-dimensional unit needed to cover a surface. The two dimensional unit is usually a square, but it could also be another shape such as a rectangle or an equilateral triangle. (Grade 3 VDOE Curriculum Framework)

  • The unit of measure used to find the area is stated along with the numerical value when expressing the area of a figure (e.g., the area of the book cover is 90 square inches). (Grade 3 VDOE Curriculum Framework)

  • Opportunities to explore the concept area should involve hands-on experiences (e.g., filling or covering a polygon with tiles (square units) and counting the tiles to determine its area). (Grade 3 VDOE Curriculum Framework)

  • Area problems that have regions partitioned by square units are an important foundation for the area model used in multiplication and division strategies (Common Core Standards Writing Team, 2019).

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • The student can distinguish between area and perimeter.

  • The student accurately counts only the shaded units of the figure.

  • The student covers the entire figure without gaps between tiles.

  • The student creates figures with the correct area.

Purposeful Questions:

  • What is area?

  • How could one measure the area of ____?

  • Why is area measured in square units?

  • Why is area important?

  • When could you use area in the real world?

  • How is it similar and different to perimeter?

  • How can the area of a surface be determined using square units?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can identify and describe plane figures (circles, squares, and rectangles) according to their characteristics (number of sides, vertices, and angles). Squares and rectangles have four right angles.

Bridging Concepts

Students can decompose polygons into smaller polygons.

Standard 3.8b

Students can count the number of square units needed to cover a given surface in order to determine its area.

Standard 3.9a

Standard 3.9a Tell time to the nearest minute, using analog and digital clocks

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Telling time is the ability to read instruments (analog and digital clocks). (Van de Walle, 2019, p 493.)

  • Units of hours and minutes are used for telling time.

  • Skip counting by fives and tens supports the skill of reading analog clocks.

  • Time is abstract, cannot be seen or felt. (Van de Walle, 2019, p 492)

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student demonstrates an understanding of the correlation between the way the hour and minute hand work together.

  • Student recognizes the hour and minute indicated by the position of the hands on an analog clock.

  • Student tells and matches time to the hour, half hour and nearest minute on an analog and digital clock (and vice versa).

Purposeful Questions:

  • What does the number mean when the hour hand points to it? Minute hand?

  • What time does this clock show? Explain how you know.

  • Can you show the time _____ on this clock?

  • Can you write the time represented on this clock?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can tell time to the hour or half hour using an analog and digital clock.

Students can distinguish between the hour hand and minute hand.

Bridging Concepts

Students can tell time to the nearest five minutes, using an analog and digital clock.

Standard 3.9a

Students can tell time to the nearest minute, using analog and digital clocks.

Standard 3.9b

Standard 3.9b Solve practical problems related to elapsed time in one-hour increments within a 12-hour period.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Time is measured in the same way that other attributes are measured. Time can be thought of as the duration of an event from its beginning to its end. To measure time, the units of time are measured from the start and counted until the activity is finished. (Van de Walle et al., 2018)

  • Time is the duration of an event from beginning to end and elapsed time is the amount of time that has passed between two given times. (VDOE Curriculum Framework, 2016)

  • Elapsed time should be modeled and demonstrated using geared analog clocks and timelines. (VDOE Curriculum Framework, 2016)

  • Elapsed time can be found by counting on from the beginning time or counting back from the ending time. (VDOE Curriculum Framework, 2016)

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • The student is able to read the time displayed on the analog or digital clock.

  • The student uses a strategy to determine the elapsed time.

  • The student is able to recognize from the problem that they have been given either a start or an end time and is able to find the appropriate end or start time.

Purposeful Questions:

  • What time does the clock show? How do you know?

  • What is the problem asking you to find? Start time? End time? Elapsed time? How do you know?

  • What strategy can you use to determine the start time (end time or elapsed time)?

  • How is finding the start time different from finding the end time? How is it similar?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can tell time to the hour or half hour using an analog and digital clock.

Students can distinguish between the hour hand and minute hand.

Bridging Concepts

Students can accurately tell time on digital and analog clocks.

They can count forwards by hours chronologically, restarting at twelve.

Standard 3.9b

Students can solve practical problems related to elapsed time in one-hour increments within a 12-hour period.

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Rich Tasks:

  • A Day at the Park


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Standard 3.9c

Standard 3.9c Identify equivalent periods of time and solve practical problems related to equivalent periods of time.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • The use of a calendar facilitates the understanding of time relationships between days and months, days and weeks, days and years, and months and years. (Grade 3 VDOE Curriculum Framework)

  • Students need to understand that time has passed or will pass in equal increments (i.e., seconds, minutes, or hours). (Grade 3 VDOE Curriculum Framework)

  • The use of an analog clock facilitates the understanding of time relationships between minutes and hours and hours and days. (Grade 3 VDOE Curriculum Framework)

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • The student recognizes that there are 60 minutes in one hour.

  • The student recognizes that there are 24 hours in a day.

  • The student recognizes that there are 7 days in a week.

  • The student recognizes that there are about 30 days in a month.

  • The student is able to flexibly add, subtract, multiply, or divide by 60, 24, 7, and 30, as appropriate, to find equivalent times.

Purposeful Questions:

  • How are different units of time related?

  • Why is it important (or helpful) to know how many days in a week, days in a month, days in a year?

  • What strategy would you use to find the number of:

    • minutes in ___ hours?

    • hours in ___ days?

    • days in ___ weeks?

    • days in ___ months?

    • months or days in ___ years?

  • Do we have the same number of days every year? Month? Why or why not?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can determine the number of days in a week, days in a month, and months in a year.

Students know the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day.

Bridging Concepts

Students can use prior experiences with reading and interpreting calendars and clocks to determine equivalent periods of time.

Students can create an addition or multiplication sentence to represent equivalent periods of time.

Standard 3.9c

Students can identify equivalent periods of time and solve practical problems related to equivalent periods of time.

Standard 3.10

Standard 3.10 Read temperature to the nearest degree.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • The skills used in reading a number line or a ruler can support the skill of reading a thermometer.

  • The relationships between the numbers (and markings) on a thermometer represent the scale and are utilized in determining temperature.

  • Temperature can be represented on a thermometer in Celsius and/or Fahrenheit.

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student reads the scale of a thermometer and uses the scale to infer the temperature.

  • Student distinguishes between Celsius and Fahrenheit on a thermometer.

  • Student labels a temperature on a thermometer.

  • Student reads a vertical and a circular thermometer.

Purposeful Questions:

  • How did you know that the temperature was ______________?

  • What is this thermometer counting by? How did you determine what each tick mark represents?

  • Are the Fahrenheit and Celcius scales the same? How do you know?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can count forward by twos, fives, and tens to 120, starting at various. multiples of 2, 5, and 10.

Bridging Concepts

Students can determine and utilize skip counting patterns.

Students can read temperatures to the nearest ten degrees.

Standard 3.10

Students can read temperature to the nearest degree on a variety of thermometers.

Standard 3.11

Standard 3.11 Identify and draw representations of points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • The study of geometry helps students represent and make sense of the world. Students develop knowledge about how geometric figures relate to each other and begin to use mathematical reasoning to analyze and justify properties and relationships among figures. (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework)

  • Students discover these relationships by constructing, drawing, measuring, comparing, and classifying geometric figures. Investigations should include explorations with everyday objects and other physical materials. (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework)

  • Exercises that ask students to visualize, draw, and compare figures will help them not only to develop an understanding of the relationships, but to develop their spatial sense as well. In the process, definitions become meaningful, relationships among figures are understood, and students are prepared to use these ideas to develop informal arguments. (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework)

  • In mathematics, the core attributes of space objects include point, line, line segment, and plane figures. Real-world situations can be used to think about these attributes (Charles, 2005).

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • The student identifies and describes points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles.

  • The student draws points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles.

  • The student is able to identify and label endpoints and vertices.

Purposeful Questions:

  • How do you know this is a ____?

  • What is the relationship between points, lines, line segments, rays and angles?

  • How can a model be used to represent points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles?

  • How many points are on a line?

  • How are lines and line segments similar? How are they different?

  • How are rays and angles similar? How are they different?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can identify and describe plane figures (circles, squares, and rectangles) according to their characteristics (number of sides, vertices, and angles). Squares and rectangles have four right angles.

Bridging Concepts

Students can relate their knowledge of the sides, vertices, and angles that compose plane figures to points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles.

Standard 3.11

Students can identify and draw representations of points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles.

Standard 3.12abc

Standard 3.12abc The student will:

a) define polygon;

b) identify and name polygons with 10 or fewer sides; and

c) combine and subdivide polygons with three or four sides and name the resulting polygon(s).

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • The study of geometry helps students represent and make sense of the world. Students develop knowledge about how geometric figures relate to each other and begin to use mathematical reasoning to analyze and justify properties and relationships among figures. Students discover these relationships by constructing, drawing, measuring, comparing, and classifying geometric figures. (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework)

  • Investigations should include explorations with everyday objects and other physical materials. Exercises that ask students to visualize, draw, and compare figures will help them not only to develop an understanding of the relationships, but to develop their spatial sense as well. In the process, definitions become meaningful, relationships among figures are understood, and students are prepared to use these ideas to develop informal arguments. (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework)

  • The van Hiele theory of geometric understanding describes how students learn geometry and provides a framework for structuring student experiences that should lead to conceptual growth and understanding.

  • Level 0: Pre-recognition. Geometric figures are not recognized. For example, students cannot differentiate between three-sided and four-sided polygons.

  • Level 1: Visualization. Geometric figures are recognized as entities, without any awareness of the parts of figures or relationships between components of a figure. Students should recognize and name figures and distinguish a given figure from others that look somewhat the same. (This is the expected level of student performance during Kindergarten and grade one).

  • Level 2: Analysis. Properties are perceived but are isolated and unrelated. Students should recognize and name properties of geometric figures. (Students are expected to transition to this level during grades two and three.) (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework)

  • A polygon is a closed plane figure composed of at least three line segments that do not cross. (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework)

  • Polygons may be described by their attributes (e.g., sides and vertices). Line segments form the sides of a polygon and angles are formed by two line segments coming together at a vertex of a polygon. (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework)

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • The student’s drawings of polygons contain closed figures without curves or crossed segments.

  • The student recognizes that concave or irregular figures are polygons.

  • The student is able to count the sides of a polygon, including polygons that are concave.

  • The student can recognize a new figure that is created by combining smaller figures.

  • The student can identify and name smaller figures when decomposing a larger figure.

Purposeful Questions:

  • What is a polygon?

  • Why is this shape a polygon?

  • Why isn’t a circle a polygon?

  • How can the properties of specific polygons be used to define and classify them?

  • What does it mean to combine polygons?

  • What does it mean to subdivide polygons?

  • What happens when we combine or divide shapes into other shapes?

  • How many ways can you subdivide a square? A rhombus? A trapezoid? A rectangle?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Identify and describe plane figures (circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles) according to their characteristics (number of sides, vertices, and angles). Squares and rectangles have four right angles.

Bridging Concepts

Students have prior experiences with polygons through exploration of triangles, squares, and rectangles.

Students are learning that root words can change the meaning of a word (such as tri- means 3, as in tricycle, triceratops, triangle)

Standard 3.12abc

Students can

a) define polygon;

b) identify and name polygons with 10 or fewer sides; and

c) combine and subdivide polygons with three or four sides and name the resulting polygon(s).

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Standard 3.13

Standard 3.13 Identify and describe congruent and noncongruent figures.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Congruent figures have the same size and shape. Noncongruent figures do not have the same size and shape. Opportunities for exploring figures that are congruent and/or noncongruent can best be accomplished by using physical models. (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework)

  • Congruent plane figures remain congruent even if they are in different spatial orientations. (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework)

  • Figures that are congruent or noncongruent may be identified by using direct comparisons and/or tracing procedures. (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework)

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Students can identify figures with the same shapes and the same sizes.

  • Students can recognize shapes as congruent when their orientations are different.

  • Students can describe what makes shapes congruent to each other.

Purposeful Questions:

  • How can you determine whether two figures are congruent or noncongruent?

  • What do you notice about congruent figures?

  • What do you notice about noncongruent figures?

  • What attributes of the figures did you need to compare to determine whether they were congruent or noncongruent?

  • How can you prove that congruent figures are congruent if their orientations are different?

  • How can you prove that noncongruent figures are not congruent if their orientations are different?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can identify, trace, describe, and sort plane figures according to vertices and angles, regardless of shape orientation.

Bridging Concepts

Students can use attributes of plane figures to determine whether two figures are the same shape.

Students have experience with estimation and measurement to distinguish if the figures are the same size.

Standard 3.13

Students can identify and describe congruent and noncongruent figures.

Full Module with Instructional Tips & Resources:

Formative Assessments:


Rich Tasks:

  • Street Art Task

  • Block Tower Task


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Standard 3.14

Standard 3.14 Investigate and describe the concept of probability as a measurement of chance and list possible outcomes for a single event.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • A spirit of investigation and experimentation should permeate probability instruction, where students are actively engaged in explorations and have opportunities to use manipulatives. (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework)

  • Chance has no memory. The outcome for one trial of a simple experiment has no impact on the outcome of future trials. (Van de Walle, 2018)

  • When a probability experiment has very few trials, the results can be misleading. The more times an experiment is done, the closer the experimental probability comes to the theoretical probability (e.g., a coin lands heads up half of the time). (VDOE Grade 3 Curriculum Framework)

  • The likelihood of a future event occurring can be determined along a continuum from impossible to certain. (Van de Walle, 2018)

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • The student is able to describe what makes an outcome unlikely but not impossible.

  • The student is able to describe what makes an outcome impossible.

  • The student demonstrates that they understand that the size of the sections dictate the likelihood that the arrow could land on a particular number.

  • The student is able to accurately describe the probability of a particular outcome using the terms: impossible, unlikely, or certain.

Purposeful Questions:

  • What is probability?

  • How can we describe the degree of likelihood of an event occurring?

  • What are some ways that we can organize all of the possible outcomes of an experiment?

  • What are the possible outcomes of tossing a two-colored counter (or spinning a spinner or rolling a random number cube)?

  • What is the probability of getting a certain color (or number)?

  • What is likely to happen today? Certain? Impossible?

  • How is tossing a coin similar to tossing a two-colored-counter? How are they different?

  • How could you design an experiment and make a particular outcome certain (impossible, likely, unlikely, equally likely)?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can read and interpret data displayed in tables, picture graphs, and object graphs, using the terms more, less, fewer, greater than, less than, and equal to.

Bridging Concepts

Students can utilize the key in order to interpret a pictograph.

Students can read and interpret data displayed in bar graphs using the terms more, less, fewer, greater than, less than, and equal to.

Standard 3.15b

Students can read and interpret data represented in pictographs and bar graphs.

Standard 3.15a

Standard 3.15a Collect, organize, and represent data in pictographs or bar graphs.

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Some questions can be answered by collecting and analyzing data.

  • Categorical data are displayed in pictographs and bar graphs (Common Core Progressions, p. 2)

  • Pictographs and bar graphs are labeled with accurate titles, key or scale, and appropriate categories (Common Core Progressions, p. 7).

  • Data can be represented visually using objects, tables, charts, and graphs. The type of data to be collected often determines the best choice of visual representation.

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • The student correctly labels all parts of the bar graph, including each axis and category, and titles it appropriately.

  • The student correctly labels all parts of the pictograph, creates an appropriate key for the data, and gives the graph a title.

  • The student uses the scale and/or key to correctly record the data.

Purposeful Questions:

  • Why do we collect data?

  • How is data gathered and organized?

  • What are the characteristics of bar graphs and pictographs?

  • How are bar graphs and pictographs constructed to represent data?

  • How are bar graphs and pictographs read and interpreted?

  • How is the data represented in the graph?

  • How did you decide what the key or scale should be?

  • What questions could you ask, based on the data in the graph?

  • What statements can you make that explain the data represented?

  • How might the data change if more students are surveyed with the questions the graph is representing?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can read and interpret data displayed in tables, picture graphs, and object graphs, using the terms more, less, fewer, greater than, less than, and equal to.

Bridging Concepts

Students can utilize the key in order to interpret a pictograph.

Students can read and interpret data displayed in bar graphs using the terms more, less, fewer, greater than, less than, and equal to.

Standard 3.15a

Students can read and interpret data represented in pictographs and bar graphs.

Standard 3.15b

Standard 3.15b Read and interpret data represented in pictographs and bar graphs

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Categorical data are displayed in pictographs and bar graphs (Common Core Progressions, p. 2).

  • Data on pictographs and bar graphs compare in context of “how many more...” and/or “how many less…” (Common Core Progressions, p. 7).

  • Data can be represented visually using objects, tables, charts, and graphs. The type of data to be collected often determines the best choice of visual representation.

  • Pictographs and bar graphs are labeled with accurate titles, key or scale, and appropriate categories (Common Core Progressions, p. 7).

Math Strength Instructional Video 3.15b

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student uses the terms more, less, fewer, greater than, less than, and equal to in a complete sentence when analyzing graphs.

  • Student uses the key or scale to read a graph.

  • Student uses appropriate titles and labels for categorical data in a graph.

  • Student makes an appropriate interpretation of the data on a graph.

Purposeful Questions:

  • Looking at the (pictograph or bar graph), which category has the least amount? The greatest amount?

  • Looking at the (pictograph or bar graph), are there any options with the “zero” as the amount? If so, what does that mean?

  • What is the key of the pictograph? What is the scale of the bar graph? Explain how you know.

  • What information does the table or graph represent (show)?

  • What do you notice or wonder about the data?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can read and interpret data displayed in tables, picture graphs, and object graphs, using the terms more, less, fewer, greater than, less than, and equal to.

Bridging Concepts

Students can utilize the key in order to interpret a pictograph.

Students can read and interpret data displayed in bar graphs using the terms more, less, fewer, greater than, less than, and equal to.

Standard 3.15b

Students can read and interpret data represented in pictographs and bar graphs.

Standard 3.16

Standard 3.16 Identify, describe, create, and extend patterns found in objects, pictures, numbers and tables

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Relationships can be described and generalizations made for mathematical situations that have numbers or objects that repeat in predictable ways.

  • The structure of the base ten numeration system produces many numerical patterns.

  • Some sequences of geometric objects change in predictable ways. (Charles, p. 23)

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student uses objects, pictures, numbers, or tables to extend patterns.

  • Student uses objects, pictures, numbers, or tables to find missing parts of patterns.

  • Student finds the rule for a number pattern using relationships between numbers in the pattern.

  • Student creates a rule for a pattern and extends the pattern according to their own rule.

Purposeful Questions:

  • Describe this pattern. What is the rule of the pattern?

  • Is this pattern growing or repeating? How do you know?

  • What strategy did you use?

  • What operation (add, subtract, multiplication, or division) did you use to continue this pattern or fill in the missing term? How did you know to use that operation?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students can sort and classify items by attribute/category.

Students can identify patterns.

Bridging Concepts

Students can extend patterns.

Students can identify the rule of patterns.

Standard 3.16

Students can identify, describe, create, and extend patterns found in objects, pictures, numbers and tables.

Standard 3.17

Standard 3.17 Create equations to represent equivalent mathematical relationships

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Understanding the Learning Trajectory

Big Ideas:

  • Quantitative relationships are represented by equal and not equal signs. (Van de Walle, 2019, p. 318)

  • An equal sign represents that both sides of the number sentence are equivalent or balanced. (Van de Walle, 2019, p. 318)

  • Properties of operations allow for computation (addition and/or subtraction) to balance expressions. (VDOE, Curriculum Framework p. 35)

Important Assessment Look Fors:

  • Student differentiates between the equal and not equal symbols and uses both appropriately.

  • Student uses addition or subtraction strategies to solve for an unknown in an expression and balance an equation.

  • Student treats each side of an equation as an independent expression rather than the right side of the equal sign as the answer to the left side.

  • Student describes the relationships between quantities.

Purposeful Questions:

  • What does the equal sign mean? Not equal sign mean?

  • What strategy did you use to solve the equality problem?

  • Is there another possible solution/answer? If so, what is it?

  • How can you prove that two expressions are equal or not equal to each other using representations or models?

Bridging for Math Strength Logo

Student Strengths

Students understand the difference between equal and not equal.

Students can create sets of equal value.

Bridging Concepts

Students demonstrate understanding of equality by using the equal symbol.

Standard 3.17

Students can create equations to represent equivalent mathematical relationships.